I missed a very very important point from the summary I wrote.

Action Item:

Raynald: He will write a news entry about last Outreachy project.
Also, thanking Samsung to fund
at least two interns in the past rounds. THANK YOU SAMSUNG!!!!!

I am terribly sorry for missing this!! I was super nervous on IRC meeting.

Also, please let me know if I missed something else or any comments.


On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 10:33 PM, Ngassa Finjap <ngassafin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Yayoi,
> Thank you for writing a summary of the IRC Meeting which took place
> yesterday regarding the upcoming Outreachy program. Yaaay! ^_^ [ Sadness
> levels drop. ]
> IMHO, It's fine leaving discussions concerning Outreachy on this mailing
> list since it also concerns development of FFmpeg. Please continue to keep
> the community informed on upcoming Outreachy meetings on IRC as you've
> always done. :)
> Best of luck with Outreachy Organization.
> Regards,
> Ngassa Amalia.
> On Mon, Sep 14, 2015, 6:10 AM Yayoi Ukai <yayoi.u...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> Here is the meeting summary for yesterday meeting (Item No.5 about
>> Outreachy).
>> I also added possible future agenda. And please let me know if you
>> have any questions. Also, I will probably start a separate mailing
>> list for just regarding outreachy related issues, unless I should keep
>> writing here. So please let me know if you want to subscribe or I
>> should just keep writing it here.
>> But in any cases, if you are very sad that you missed the meeting and
>> especially about the discussion item No.5 of yesterday's meeting,
>> Here is the summary. (So you know what happened in this topic at
>> least! So don't be sad! Also, you can read the log as well) Please let
>> me know that if you want to help, or you want to know what's going on
>> more!
>> Also,
>> Meeting Summary:
>> (Start of the summary)
>> Action Items:
>> 1. FFmpeg will participate Outreachy
>> 2. FFmpeg has a money to support intern but prefer to raise funds
>> 3. Micheal will be a mentor (tentative). Developers will discuss the
>> idea of the project and will be determined. (possibly more mentor
>> candidates and Mentors need to commit 5 hours a week during the
>> internship period.)
>> 4. Lou will review the email template that Yayoi wrote last week and will
>> be
>> decided on the final template
>> 5. Yayoi will ask to Outreach Organizer about the deadline for the
>> Ffmpeg participation
>> 6. Yayoi will start emailing to companies once we are set on email template
>> Other Topics:
>> 1. Micheal and Stafano oversees Outreachy budget and continue to be so.
>> 2. Yayoi's logistical question about fundraising will be answered
>> separately
>> (End of Summary)
>> Future agenda (Suggestion):
>> 1. Candidate recruiting
>> 2. Mentor/Intern happiness
>> Cheers,
>> Yayoi
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