On 02/13/2016 01:46 PM, Mats Peterson wrote:
On 02/13/2016 01:09 PM, Mats Peterson wrote:
On 02/13/2016 01:03 PM, Mats Peterson wrote:
On 02/13/2016 01:00 PM, Mats Peterson wrote:
On 02/13/2016 12:58 PM, Mats Peterson wrote:
On 02/13/2016 12:57 PM, Mats Peterson wrote:
On 02/13/2016 12:54 PM, Mats Peterson wrote:
On 02/13/2016 12:52 PM, Mats Peterson wrote:
just double checked, this is not the case in written pal8 nut
nor does the nut spec say anything about that.

Then check an odd-width nut file like the one below. And FFmpeg
care about specs when using "-vcodec copy". The stride will be the
of the original data, whether it's 2, 4 or some other amount of

The stride will be *aligned* to 2, 4 or some other amount of bytes.


Try "ffmpeg -i 8bpp_129.avi -vcodec rawvideo 8bpp_129.nut" with the
below. It will have a stride aligned to 4 bytes like the original AVI
file, and per the Microsoft specification, since it doesn't "-vcodec
copy" won't touch the video data.


I mean "ffmpeg -i 8bpp_129.avi -vcodec copy 8bpp_129.nut" of course.


The stride will be 132 bytes, divisible by 4, rather than 129 bytes.


Now the problem is that it won't show any video, since the incorrect
codec tag RGB[15] will be written to the nut file, and it's not possible
to use "-vtag" to set tha PAL[8] codec tag, but if you use "-v debug"
you will see that the stride is 132 bytes.



What's more, no palette will be included in the frames, since "-vcodec
copy" once again doesn't touch the original AVI data. So it's pretty
useless to use "-vcodec copy" for pal8.


Sorry, wm4, I got heated up here. I understand your feelings. I will try
to limit the spam-like postings. Michael, given that there is no padding
of the lines for pal8 in nut, I understand that it's possible to
calculate the stride by dividing the packet size by (width * height).
It's only when using "-vcodec copy" that the stride will be different,
and then no palette will be included as well. I'll arrange something here.

Will you please apply my "remove the monoswitch code only" patch first?


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