On 30 May 2016 at 12:20, Carl Eugen Hoyos <ceho...@ag.or.at> wrote:

> Rostislav Pehlivanov <atomnuker <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > We agreed the committee should contain only active contributors.
> > The members that were added later were added because they were
> > slightly below the threshold but had done much during the last
> > few months.
> >
> > In short, no.
> Thilo has presented FFmpeg on different technology fairs over
> the last years, I never had the impression that other
> contributors would like to go instead of him. He is a GSoC
> mentor this year (and did offer to mentor last year). He has
> lately fixed a regression (that was mentioned today) showing
> that he actively maintains FFmpeg code.
> He definitely is an active contributor.
> Carl Eugen
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> ffmpeg-devel@ffmpeg.org
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Anyone can go to fairs, mentor for GSoC, write on the MLs, etc. Not
everyone has the time.
The committe was made to govern this project in case questions (mainly
technical) need to be resolved. And answering technical questions requires
knowledge of the codebase. The codebase changes over time. New features
like codecpar were added a bit more than a month ago. So someone who
continuously improves the codebase would also follow what happens in the
project and be qualified to make an answer. Hence why commits over time
were chosen
as the metric. Someone who makes commits and occasional bugfixes to a part
of the codebase that doesn't get touched as much wouldn't know so much
about the problem at hand.

The committee was also made to be dynamically updated every year by
removing inactive contributors and adding new contributors. Since the
committee was made on September the 5th last year, this means that on
September the 5th this year active or returning contributors would be added
and people who haven't done much would be removed. So while voting could
get someone in, staying would still require them to continuously improve
the codebase. Adding someone right now without them doing much would be
enough to make them stay until September on the committee.
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