generally speaking, should it also be mentioned how hls_flags are used
(or at least that it takes the flags syntax)?

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 21:35:46 +0800, Steven Liu wrote:

> [PATCH 1/2] refine the doc of hlsenc

Should probably be:
[PATCH ...] doc/muxers: improve hlsenc description

> +@item hls_flags round_durations
> +If this flag is set, the muxer will make the duration info form float point 
> to
> +integer for playlist file segment info.

Let's drop the "If this flag is set", I believe that's implicit anyway.
+@item hls_flags round_durations
+Round the duration info in the playlist file segment info to integer
+values, instead of using floating point.

> +@item hls_flags discont_starts
> +If this flag is set, it will add the @code{#EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY} tag into the
> +playlist at the first segment infomation's front.

+@item hls_flags discont_starts
+Add the @code{#EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY} tag to the playlist, before the
+first segment's information.

> +@item hls_flags omit_endlist
> +If this flag is set, it will not append the @code{EXT-X-ENDLIST} tag at the 
> end of
> +the playlist.

+@item hls_flags omit_endlist
+Do not append the @code{EXT-X-ENDLIST} tag at the end of the playlist.

I also suggest changing the following, but perhaps (just as my first
suggestion) this could be a separate patch:

 @item hls_segment_filename @var{filename}
-Set the segment filename. Unless hls_flags single_file is set @var{filename}
-is used as a string format with the segment number:
+Set the segment filename. Unless @code{hls_flags single_file} is set,
+@var{filename} is used as a string format with the segment number:


 @item hls_flags split_by_time
-If this flags is set, allow segments to start on frames other than keyframes.
-This improves behavior on some players when the time between keyframes is
-inconsistent, but may make things worse on others, and can cause some oddities
-during seeking. This flag should be used with hls_time option.
+Allow segments to start on frames other than keyframes. This improves
+behavior on some players when the time between keyframes is inconsistent,
+but may make things worse on others, and can cause some oddities during
+seeking. This flag should be used with the @code{hls_time} option.

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