L'octidi 8 frimaire, an CCXXV, James Almer a écrit :
> No Nicolas. It's a reminder that this patch, as discussed and announced, will
> be pushed.

And the Corleone give you reminders that they will break your legs.

> I don't care about ffserver.

Then do not discuss ffserver.

>                              I do care about the consequences of a bunch of
> people that showed up very late to the party getting away with trying to
> override an old project decision right when it was going to be made effective.

What are those consequences, pray?

> This is a lie


> Look it up, stop trying to rewrite history and stop being part of the
> aforementioned malicious behavior.

I see nothing malicious in trying to keep a useful program up to date.
You have strange priorities.

> Too bad the decision was made and announced.

Decisions can be revised. If this one exists, then it should.

>                                               Had this happened months or
> years ago, when help was requested and promptly ignored, it wouldn't have
> ended up like this.

What difference does it make?


  Nicolas George

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