On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 7:43 PM, Nicolas George <geo...@nsup.org> wrote:
> As for myself, I do not wish to have any further interactions at all
> with wm4. Starting now, as far as I am concerned, for all intents and
> purposes, they and their messages no longer exist. I will reconsider my
> position if I learn they can go for a year without badmouthing the
> project or mocking or disparaging any of its contributors.
> Of course, that means that all their proposals on areas of code for
> which I am responsible are silently rejected. If somebody else sponsors
> such a change, I will discuss it as if it were their own with all the
> good-will that I am capable of.
> If another member of the project considers this stance unacceptable, you
> can take your responsibilities and kick me out.

This stance is absolutely unacceptable. You don't get to reject
patches or ignore feedback on some petty personal feud, or cherry-pick
the feedback you want to honor and which to ignore or even dismiss.
This behavior would go both against the code of conduct and our
established patch review regulations.

- Hendrik
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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