On Tue, 31 Jan 2017 13:09:07 +0100
Thilo Borgmann <thilo.borgm...@mail.de> wrote:

> We mention ftp://upload.ffmpeg.org/incoming/ in several places. If it
> is not the place to upload things then these messages should be
> changed accordingly and the preferred way to upload samples need to
> be documented.

currently upload.ffmpeg.org points to streams.videolan.org , videolan
is currently hosting our incoming ftp server access.

videolan has been having trouble with it for a while. you can see posts
on the internet complaining about the automatic vlc bug reporter also
being down because of this.

what we need is someone to run a small ftp drop for large files, i
guess i'll post a patch for the ffmpeg.org page requesting such hosting

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