On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 01:14:34PM +0200, wm4 wrote:
> By default, ffmpeg CLI's design is something like "fuck the user". I'm

This is not true, nor are statments like this useful.
Whatever problem there is, it is not and never was FFmpegs design to
fuck the user. Quite the opposite ...

If problems exist they should be fixed. If they cannot be fixed they
should be at least documented on our issue tracker.

Without this, such rants are off topic as they cannot serve to
improve FFmpeg. Noone can improve ffmpegs CLI from a incorrect
statement of the problem.
There may be issues in the CLI, but the issue is not that its
designed to "fuck the user"

Also id love to see other members of the mailing list, there are over
a thousand IIRC. Help a bit with keeping the content and tone of the
ffmpeg mailing lists within the purpose of the lists.
Which is ultimatly to improve FFmpeg and help its users and developers.


> not sure what you are even arguing about. The situation is bad, and the
> warning is a shitty insufficient hack trying to prevent damage caused
> by that.
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Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

Many things microsoft did are stupid, but not doing something just because
microsoft did it is even more stupid. If everything ms did were stupid they
would be bankrupt already.

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