On 08/29/2017 01:50 PM, wm4 wrote:
If you want to support direct FD/dmabuf export, adapting to
AVHWFramesContext now would probably be easier in total. Especially
because of the implied API change. But I'd wait for Mark Thompson's
comments on that before making any big changes. AFAIK he posted a
proposal patch for a DRM AVHWFramesContext too.
why not just add a FD to the AVBufferRef and let the user decide whether
to use it or not?
Because there's too much framework-y stuff in ffmpeg that expects
AVHWFramesContext. It's basically needed to do anything with it, and
avoids ad-hoc approaches the old hwaccel API was full of.

understood...so at some point I will have to use the AVHWFramesContext (to integrate dmabuf)...will add it to my list.

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