On Tue, 3 Oct 2017, James Almer wrote:

On 10/3/2017 1:01 PM, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
On Mon, Oct 02, 2017 at 05:03:51PM -0300, James Almer wrote:
On 10/2/2017 4:34 PM, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
On Sun, Oct 01, 2017 at 07:55:29PM -0300, James Almer wrote:
Do it during install instead, like with the libraries.

There's no benefit making a stripped copy of the CLI tools in the
build folder. Doing it during install saves build time and storage

Signed-off-by: James Almer <jamr...@gmail.com>

Iam not sure this is a good idea

the build binaries and installed binaries would differ, thats bound
to lead to some confusion and problems

What kind of confusion will removing "ffmpeg_g" from the build folder
bring? It's never installed, and what does get installed by "make
install" will not change with this patch in form or name.
This patch does for the binaries the same thing we're doing for the
libraries: Strip during install, instead of making a stripped duplicate
in the build folder.

The ffmpeg in the build folder will be a different binary than the
one installed, they will look the same from the output, same
configure flags and so on.
But because they are different binaries they can and will behave
differently. Bugs in the past occuring with ffmpeg did sometimes not
reproduce with ffmpeg_g. But if one talked about "ffmpeg" or "ffmpeg_g"
together with its command line output which contains revission and
build flags it was clear what version was used.

With this change its indistingishable if a "ffmpeg" is stripped or non
stripped the printed build flags will no longer provide this
information together with the excuatble name

If the build flags have "--disable-stripping", then "ffmpeg" will not be
stripped, regardless of this being the build folder or an installation
target. So, in short, you're arguing that in builds with stripping
enabled, ffmpeg in the build folder being different than the one in the
install folder will make getting users to provide useful reports harder?

I don't really agree with this, seeing almost every other project out
there does pretty much what this patch is trying to achieve and don't
seem to have issues handling bug reports, but if both you and Carl
consider this behavior as important for the sake of bug reporting and
nobody else chimes in in favor, then I'll withdraw this patch.

The only argument against this patch that I find mildly convincing is that we should do tests (fate tests) with stripped binaries in order to be able to detect bugs when stripping.

But I always hated the fact that the build process is copying huge binaries.

Question: why don't we use strip -o ffmpeg ffmpeg_g instead of copying first?

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