On 15 January 2018 at 17:31, Thilo Borgmann <thilo.borgm...@mail.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> > yet again, the registration for Google Summer of Code 2018 has opened.
> >
> > Like in the previous years, we've setup an ideas page in our wiki:
> > https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/SponsoringPrograms/GSoC/2018
> >
> > Same procedure as every year - we need to define more interesting tasks
> for students to apply for and fellow developers to mentor them. So please
> feel free to suggest a project and volunteer as mentor or backup mentor as
> you see fit. You are welcome to edit the wiki directly or just post your
> suggestion here.
> >
> > Please keep in mind that a potential student should be able to finish
> the project successfully in time.
> >
> > GSoC offers a lot of potential gain for FFmpeg as it brings in new
> contributors that might become active developers in our community
> afterwards. So dedicating some of our time to mentor as many projects as we
> should be in our best interest.
> >
> > The application deadline is January 23th which is exactly two weeks from
> now. Therefore, let's try to define new tasks soon.
> just as a reminder, up to now we have 3-5 project ideas. We could make use
> of some more and have one week left to define them.
> Thanks,
> Thilo
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I'll think of something related to the Vulkan hwcontext/filtering
infrastructure during this time. I'd like a motion search on the GPU but
I'll need to review whatever papers there are on this.
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