Josh de Kock (2018-02-04):
> The main benefit of the opaque pointers is the flexibility of how components
> are stored/represented internally, and being able to change/extend it with
> no API changes (only additions). Sure there is the question of 'how efficient
> is it?', but it's not really a relevant question considering how frequently
> the iteration functions are called (not much relative to other parts of the
> library where efficiency is more crucial).

Sorry, I forgot to answer that part. Using an index has the same good
properties. And so does returning the list at once (I ask again: did you
read the suggestion properly? It is not about returning an internal
array containing the list, it is about building a new array to return it
to the caller; it exposes no internal at all.) Therefore, this argument
cannot be use to decide between the three possibilities.

Using an iterator with an opaque pointer has the drawback of forcing the
iteration order: always in order, always from the beginning.

It also has the drawback of requiring documentation on the validity of
the opaque pointer.

This is an API we intend to keep for a long time, we should try to pick
the best one, the one that gathers the most consensus.


  Nicolas George

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