On Wed, 18 Apr 2018 23:35:11 +0200
Nicolas George <geo...@nsup.org> wrote:

> wm4 (2018-04-18):
> > Like I said, this didn't even work. And the EOF behavior was changed
> > anyway, how is that not an API break? That change also broke a whole
> > lot of other things, so I can't quite understand your argument here. In
> > fact, you should have rejected the EOF change patch which you pushed
> > yourself. Wasn't this completely unacceptable?
> > 
> > By the way, I'm trying to understand your arguments. But it's not easy
> > because you never explain them and you just respond with general
> > platitudes. I can't read your mind.  
> This is not true, but I will not discuss it further with somebody who
> has repeatedly badmouthed me.

Even if that should be the case (which is debatable), you made
definitely insults against me, yet I'm ready to attempt to discuss
things on a technical level with you. But you're rejecting even that.

I guess I'll propose a patch to revert these changes, then.
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