On Thu, 7 Jun 2018, Dave Rice wrote:
Before I only tested with vitc but now have a serial cable connected as
well and found a source tape that has distinct values for LTC and VITC
timecodes. The LTC values are from 1:00:00 to 2:00:00 and the VITC
values are from 07:00:00 - 08:00:00.
With the deckcontrol utility at https://github.com/bavc/deckcontrol
<https://github.com/bavc/deckcontrol>, I can use the command gettimecode
to grab the LTC value:
deckcontrol gettimecode
Issued command 'gettimecode'
Command sucessfully issued
Error sending command (No error)
With these patches, I can only grab the vitc values:
for i in rp188vitc rp188vitc2 rp188ltc rp188any vitc vitc2 serial ; do echo -n "${i}: " ; ./ffprobe
-v quiet -timecode_format "$i" -f decklink -draw_bars 0 -audio_input embedded -video_input sdi
-format_code ntsc -channels 8 -raw_format yuv422p10 -i "UltraStudio Express" -select_streams v
-show_entries stream_tags=timecode -of default=nw=1:nk=1 ; echo ; done
vitc: 01:41:44;06
vitc2: 01:41:44;21
Also it may be interesting in cases like this to support accepting
multiple timecode inputs at once, such as "-timecode_format
vitc+rp188ltc” though it would need to be contextualized more in
With a serial cable connected, I can access LTC via the deckcontrol
utility but not with this patch.
Well, the way I understand it, deckcontrol is using a totally different
timecode source: the RS422 deck control interface. In contrast, the
timecode capture in the patch is using the SDI (video) source.
If the deck does not put the LTC timecode into SDI line 10, then the
driver won't be able to capture it if you specify 'rp188ltc'. I am not
sure however why 'serial' does not work, but from a quick look at the
SDK maybe that only works if you use the deck control capture functions...
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