On 11/29/18 10:16 PM, Nicolas George wrote:
Andrey Semashev (2018-11-29):
                                     Nowdays, there is one common interface
for interacting with ffmpeg, and this interface is URIs (or raw local
paths). There is no third pseudo-URI option, AFAICT. So, in my humble
opinion the docs are correct, it is the implementation that needs to catch

You are wrong. There is one common interface: that is pseudi-URI. URI is
not an option.

If an application passes a URI and expects that it is not interpreted as
such is already broken.

And it always was. Breaking something that works is worse than having
something that never worked still not work.

                          I could make a patch adding support for escape
sequences as well, but it seems you would not accept it. Am I correct?

As is, "fixing" the file: protocol paths to be treated as URIs would be
an API break, it is not acceptable.

You can propose patches to make FFmpeg support real URIs instead / in
addition to its old pseudo-URI syntax, but you would need to design with
API compatibility in mind.

Ok, thanks for your comments.
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