2019-01-16 13:40 GMT+01:00, Tomas Härdin <tjop...@acc.umu.se>:
> Hi
> I was helping the fine folks at peppercarrot.com with web video
> nonsense, and I notice palettegen outputs more colors than it should
> due to padding the generated palette with pure black.
> Compare this (ffmpeg version 3.2.12-1~deb9u1):
> http://www.härdin.se/files/peppercarrot_gif/output-blackspecks-64.gif
> with this (282a471 with this patch applied):
> http://www.härdin.se/files/peppercarrot_gif/output-fixed-64.gif
> The attached patch fixes this by padding with the last color instead of
> black.

lgtm, but I believe there is a maintainer so please wait a few days.

Carl Eugen
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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