Nicolas George (12019-05-04):
> Either both votes are invalid (my point) or both are.

So, now that I do not have a train to catch, I can take a little more
time to explain the issue here and how to move forward.

First, I apologize to the rest of the project for the noise caused by
this stunt. My point was to use a catch-22 to prove to Paul that if we
do not follow reasonable procedures, votes can lead to unacceptable
results and therefore do not bring the legitimacy you require.

Now that is established, what would be a reasonable procedure.

Paul, please accept that I am in good faith: I am assuming that you are
interesting in COOPERATION on this project, and I am giving you honest
advice on how to act on it. If you follow the procedure I am about to
outline, and if the outcome goes your way, I promise I will not make any
more fuss. But if you refuse to follow it, then good luck explaining

The two principles are:

(1) votes are for when we cannot agree;

(2) we need information to make a decision.

Based on these principles, I suggest the following procedure:

- First, start a discussion.

  - Take your time to explain things. You are not on IRC, where answers
    need to be immediate. You are not on twitter where there is a
    character count. Explain in detail. Remember that each minute you
    spare now by omitting an useful sentence, you will lose later when
    you need to re-explain yourself.

  - Summarize the arguments for both side. Yours, of course. But also
    the other side's (in this instance, mine). It will show your good
    will. It will also show that you have taken these arguments into
    account. Of course, be very careful to not mis-represent the
    opposite arguments.

- If the discussion leads to a consensus, then we, collectively, have
  won. Nothing more to do.

- Else, go for a vote if you think it is still necessary.

  - Summarise once again the arguments. You can copy-paste the first
    mail, but you need to review the discussion to see of any side has
    brought new arguments.

It may seem long and cumbersome, but that is the cost of working
together. I assure you, if you do not follow something that looks like
this procedure, you may think you will gain some time immediately, but
in the end you will lose much more time to bikeshedding, with only your
clumsiness to blame.

I hope you believe me that this mail was written in good faith and in
the hope that the project can move forward.


  Nicolas George

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