New submission from Anssi Hannula <>:

23.976 H.264 Matroska files are commonly detected as 24fps 

The most visible issue caused by this I've seen is probably frame-based 
subtitle misalignment on MPlayer and XBMC (though the latter has 
workarounded it).

Background and the issue specifics:

- normally lavf assumes that the (1 / codec->time_base /
  codec->ticks_per_frame) is the fps (r_frame_rate), unless it would be
  too high to be represented by the st->time_base, in which case
  (1 / st->time_base) is taken instead (utils.c 2431-2440)

- if ((1/5) > codec->time_base >= (1/101)) is false, the
  codec->time_base is considered unreliable and instead a custom
  fps probing code is used (tb_unreliable()) which reads the timestamps
  of the first 20 packets

- some H.264 (and I guess MPEG2) streams have a specific interlacing
  mode that causes there to be 2x more packets (as output from the
  demuxer) than codec->time_base and codec->ticks_per_frame would
  indicate (well, I guess technically they are correct, if the packets
  actually contain half-frames due to interlacing), e.g.

- due to the above (AFAIK), H264 and MPEG2 are always assumed to have
  unreliable timebase and the fps probing code is always used

- mkv tracks have generally millisecond precision for timestamps

- 23.976fps therefore requires a pattern of 41ms and 42ms frames, that
  add up to 1.001s in 24 frames

- the fps probing code doesn't detect the difference between 24fps and
  23.976fps from just 20 frames, it would need more than that (25-30)
  => 23.976fps files are wrongly detected as 24fps

- 23.976fps files are progressive (unless insane), so the codec timebase
  as got from the decoder would actually be reliable and show an exact
  rate of 24/1.001.

- mkv tracks also contain a default_duration field that contains the
  length of frames in nanosecond precision. In the file I checked it
  was accurate to within 1.5ns (some rounding issue I guess), which
  corresponds to an error of about 0.000001 fps.

The issue was discussed at

messages: 13770
nosy: anssi
priority: normal
status: open
substatus: open
title: 23.976 H.264 matroska files detected as 24fps
topic: avformat
type: bug

FFmpeg issue tracker <>

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