#1311: timeline is not showing the time during video play . shows 00:00
             Reporter:               |                     Type:  defect
  chandravivid                       |                 Priority:  critical
               Status:  new          |                  Version:
            Component:               |  unspecified
  undetermined                       |               Blocked By:
             Keywords:  video        |  Reproduced by developer:  0
  timeline error                     |
             Blocking:               |
Analyzed by developer:  0            |
 I am using ffmpeg to convert any video format to flv.  When i upload mp4/
 wmv /other than flv , the corresponding .flv file is created. but playing
 the video not showing time line. Controlbar is there in player , but the
 time is always showing 00:00

 i am using the code like this
 ffmpeg -i /sourcepath/bhh.mp4 -f flv

 It is working in my server. Showing Audio encode failed in my client
 server. lame version in client server is 3.98.2.

 Will this issue get fixed when i upgrade lane to 3.99.5 in my client
 server ? or What is the reason why time line is missing for the converted

Ticket URL: <https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/1311>
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