#5097: XDCAM HD422
             Reporter:               |                    Owner:
  AxelTechnology                     |                   Status:  new
                 Type:  defect       |                Component:
             Priority:  normal       |  undetermined
              Version:  unspecified  |               Resolution:
             Keywords:               |               Blocked By:
             Blocking:               |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0            |

Comment (by laurfb):

 Hi. I do some more test with XDCAM MXF files using ffmbc/ffmpeg and the
 latest SONY browsers/viewers. Yes, the MXF files are loaded and played
 without any error, but:
 From what I know MXF was developed as an exchange standard in broadcast
 However the flexibility of format lead sometime to interoperability issue:
 MXF files produced by some equipment/producers (like Sony for ex.) is not
 necessarely understood by all apps that claim to support MXF standards,
 most often due to obscure subformat options behind MXF extension.
 Recently one of my friend had some compatibility issue using ffmpeg/ffmbc
 with some particular application (playout automation system from http
 ://si-media.tv/) - the MXF files can't be loaded ("unsuported format") and
 the only solution I found is to re-wrap MXF files (generated either with
 ffmpeg or ffmbc) with bmxlib.
 I must say that all the MXF files generated with ffmpeg/ffmbc (e.g. files
 uploaded on zippyshare) are well played on few other proffesional grade
 apps I used (Drastic Preview, Cinegy, Sony Viewer).
 Also, the initial issue reported by Axel Technology I think is related to
 their XTV automation&playout systems (http://www.axeltechnology.com).
 I don't have acces to such playouts systems (simedia or axel) so I can't
 help with furter tests if needed.
 I think the only solution to maximize the overall ffmpeg mxf compatibility
 is to use the bmxlibs (based on BBC R&D specs as far as I know) which, I
 hope, will eliminate the majority of problems encountered.
 Don't know if someone will have more time to investigate that matter but I
 think it would be useful to extend the overall ffmpeg compatibility.
 Thanks for your work!
 best regards,

Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/5097#comment:8>
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