#7633: mpjpeg support broken in 4.1 -------------------------------------+------------------------------------- Reporter: LubosD | Type: defect Status: new | Priority: normal Component: | Version: undetermined | unspecified Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | Reproduced by developer: 0 Analyzed by developer: 0 | -------------------------------------+------------------------------------- Summary of the bug:
When using the mpjpeg (multi-part JPEG) output in ffmpeg 4.1, the output is multi-part, but doesn't contain JPEG images. This worked OK for me with ffmpeg 3.4.5. Instead of JPEG/JFIF, I can see Lavc being mentioned. How to reproduce: {{{ % ffmpeg -i - -f mpjpeg -r 2 -qscale 10 - < mpeg.ts ffmpeg version 4.1 built with gcc 8.2.0 (Gentoo 8.2.0-r5 p1.6) }}} I'm attaching an example output of the above command. -- Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/7633> FFmpeg <https://ffmpeg.org> FFmpeg issue tracker _______________________________________________ FFmpeg-trac mailing list FFmpeg-trac@avcodec.org http://ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/ffmpeg-trac