#10846: ffprobe does not detect true duration of some blu-ray discs
             Reporter:  Steven_Yang  |                     Type:  defect
               Status:  new          |                 Priority:  normal
            Component:               |                  Version:  git-
  undetermined                       |  master
             Keywords:               |               Blocked By:
             Blocking:               |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0            |
 Summary of the bug:
 ffprobe is not detecting true duration of true playlist, but the duration
 of copyright playlist/stream for some blu-ray discs.
 Full log is attached

 ffprobe -v 9 -loglevel 99 -print_format json -show_format -show_streams
 -playlist 2 -- 'bluray:BRMM_10591T'

 The output is same when removing playlist option. "duration": "9.009000"
 is for the copyright playlist/stream. The main playlist takes about 15

 The blu-ray folder is about 4.1GB so not attached.

 [AVFormatContext @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] Opening 'bluray:BRMM_10591T' for
 [bluray @ 0x5600f30ea840] No default whitelist set
 [bluray @ 0x5600f30ea840] 1 usable playlists:
 Probing mp3 score:1 size:2048
 Probing mpegts score:50 size:2048
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] Format mpegts probed with size=2048 and score=50
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] Probe: 8192, score: -1, dvhs_score: 43,
 fec_score: 1
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] Filter: pid=0x11 type=1
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] Filter: pid=0x0 type=1
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] Filter: pid=0x12 type=1
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] Probe: 8192, score: -1, dvhs_score: 43,
 fec_score: 1
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] sid=0x0 pid=0x1f
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] sid=0x1 pid=0x100
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] new_program: id=0x0001
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] Filter: pid=0x100 type=1
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] sid=0x1 sec_num=0/0 version=0 tid=2
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pcr_pid=0x1001
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] program tag: 0x05 len=4
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] program tag: 0x88 len=4
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] Filter: pid=0x1011 type=0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] stream=0 stream_type=1b pid=1011
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] tag: 0x05 len=8
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] reg_desc=HDMV
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] Filter: pid=0x1100 type=0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] stream=1 stream_type=80 pid=1100
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] tag: 0x05 len=8
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] reg_desc=HDMV
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] Filter: pid=0x1001 type=2
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] tuning done
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] Before avformat_find_stream_info() pos: 0 bytes
 read:32768 seeks:0 nb_streams:2
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] parser not found for codec pcm_bluray, packets
 or times may be invalid.
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] Skipping after seek
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] Probe: 8192, score: -1, dvhs_score: 43,
 fec_score: 1
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] sid=0x0 pid=0x1f
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] sid=0x1 pid=0x100
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] new_program: id=0x0001
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] sid=0x1 sec_num=0/0 version=0 tid=2
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pcr_pid=0x1001
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] program tag: 0x05 len=4
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] program tag: 0x88 len=4
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] tag: 0x05 len=8
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] reg_desc=HDMV
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] tag: 0x05 len=8
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] reg_desc=HDMV
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] Filter: pid=0x1f type=0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
     Last message repeated 1 times
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] Decoding VUI
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [extract_extradata @ 0x5600f3147380] nal_unit_type: 9(AUD), nal_ref_idc: 0
 [extract_extradata @ 0x5600f3147380] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
 [extract_extradata @ 0x5600f3147380] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
 [extract_extradata @ 0x5600f3147380] nal_unit_type: 6(SEI), nal_ref_idc: 0
     Last message repeated 2 times
 [extract_extradata @ 0x5600f3147380] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
     Last message repeated 3 times
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] nal_unit_type: 9(AUD), nal_ref_idc: 0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] nal_unit_type: 6(SEI), nal_ref_idc: 0
     Last message repeated 2 times
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
     Last message repeated 3 times
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] Decoding VUI
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] Format yuv420p chosen by get_format().
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] Reinit context to 1920x1088, pix_fmt: yuv420p
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] no picture
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] parser not found for codec pcm_bluray, packets
 or times may be invalid.
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 5 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 5 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 5 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 3 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 2 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
     Last message repeated 1 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 5 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 1 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 4 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
     Last message repeated 1 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 5 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
     Last message repeated 1 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 5 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
     Last message repeated 1 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 5 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
     Last message repeated 1 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 3 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 1 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
     Last message repeated 1 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 2 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 2 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
     Last message repeated 1 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 1 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 3 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
     Last message repeated 1 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 4 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 5 times
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] Decoding VUI
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 5 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
     Last message repeated 1 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 4 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 1 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
     Last message repeated 1 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 5 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 5 times
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 3 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 2 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 5 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 5 times
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 5 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 11 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 5 times
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 5 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 5 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
     Last message repeated 1 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 4 times
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 4 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 1 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 12 times
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 3 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 1 times
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 1 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 3 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
     Last message repeated 1 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 17 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 3 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] Decoding VUI
 [h264 @ 0x5600f3111900] ct_type:0 pic_struct:3
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] Probe buffer size limit of 5000000 bytes reached
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] Skipping after seek
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] Probe: 8192, score: -2, dvhs_score: 43,
 fec_score: 2
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PAT:
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] PMT: len 58
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] sid=0x1 sec_num=0/0 version=0 tid=2
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pcr_pid=0x1001
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] program tag: 0x05 len=4
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] program tag: 0x88 len=4
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] tag: 0x05 len=8
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] reg_desc=HDMV
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] tag: 0x05 len=8
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] reg_desc=HDMV
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 5 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1100 stream_id=0xbd
     Last message repeated 6 times
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] pid=1011 stream_id=0xe0
 bluray.c:299: 00002.m2ts: no timestamp for SPN 0 (got 0). clip
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] stream 0: start_time: 600 duration: 9.009
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] stream 1: start_time: 600 duration: 8.945
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] format: start_time: 600 duration: 9.009
 (estimate from pts) bitrate=3631484 kb/s
 [mpegts @ 0x5600f30e9ec0] After avformat_find_stream_info() pos: 0 bytes
 read:6258688 seeks:2 frames:461
 Input #0, mpegts, from 'bluray:BRMM_10591T':
   Duration: 00:00:09.01, start: 600.000000, bitrate: 3631484 kb/s
   Program 1
   Stream #0:0[0x1011], 59, 1/90000: Video: h264 (High), 1 reference frame
 (HDMV / 0x564D4448), yuv420p(tv, bt709, top first, left), 1920x1080
 (1920x1088) [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 0/1, 29.97 fps, 29.97 tbr, 90k tbn
   Stream #0:1[0x1100], 402, 1/90000: Audio: pcm_bluray (HDMV /
 0x564D4448), 48000 Hz, stereo, s32 (24 bit), 2304 kb/s
 [h264 @ 0x5600f318ba80] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
 [h264 @ 0x5600f318ba80] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
 [h264 @ 0x5600f318ba80] Decoding VUI
     "streams": [
             "index": 0,
             "codec_name": "h264",
             "codec_long_name": "H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part
             "profile": "High",
             "codec_type": "video",
             "codec_tag_string": "HDMV",
             "codec_tag": "0x564d4448",
             "width": 1920,
             "height": 1080,
             "coded_width": 1920,
             "coded_height": 1080,
             "closed_captions": 0,
             "film_grain": 0,
             "has_b_frames": 1,
             "sample_aspect_ratio": "1:1",
             "display_aspect_ratio": "16:9",
             "pix_fmt": "yuv420p",
             "level": 41,
             "color_range": "tv",
             "color_space": "bt709",
             "color_transfer": "bt709",
             "color_primaries": "bt709",
             "chroma_location": "left",
             "field_order": "tt",
             "refs": 1,
             "is_avc": "false",
             "nal_length_size": "0",
             "ts_packetsize": "192",
             "id": "0x1011",
             "r_frame_rate": "30000/1001",
             "avg_frame_rate": "30000/1001",
             "time_base": "1/90000",
             "start_pts": 54000000,
             "start_time": "600.000000",
             "duration_ts": 810810,
             "duration": "9.009000",
             "bits_per_raw_sample": "8",
             "extradata_size": 55,
             "disposition": {
                 "default": 0,
                 "dub": 0,
                 "original": 0,
                 "comment": 0,
                 "lyrics": 0,
                 "karaoke": 0,
                 "forced": 0,
                 "hearing_impaired": 0,
                 "visual_impaired": 0,
                 "clean_effects": 0,
                 "attached_pic": 0,
                 "timed_thumbnails": 0,
                 "non_diegetic": 0,
                 "captions": 0,
                 "descriptions": 0,
                 "metadata": 0,
                 "dependent": 0,
                 "still_image": 0
             "index": 1,
             "codec_name": "pcm_bluray",
             "codec_long_name": "PCM signed 16|20|24-bit big-endian for
 Blu-ray media",
             "codec_type": "audio",
             "codec_tag_string": "HDMV",
             "codec_tag": "0x564d4448",
             "sample_fmt": "s32",
             "sample_rate": "48000",
             "channels": 2,
             "channel_layout": "stereo",
             "bits_per_sample": 0,
             "initial_padding": 0,
             "ts_packetsize": "192",
             "id": "0x1100",
             "r_frame_rate": "0/0",
             "avg_frame_rate": "0/0",
             "time_base": "1/90000",
             "start_pts": 54000000,
             "start_time": "600.000000",
             "duration_ts": 805050,
             "duration": "8.945000",
             "bit_rate": "2304000",
             "bits_per_raw_sample": "24",
             "disposition": {
                 "default": 0,
                 "dub": 0,
                 "original": 0,
                 "comment": 0,
                 "lyrics": 0,
                 "karaoke": 0,
                 "forced": 0,
                 "hearing_impaired": 0,
                 "visual_impaired": 0,
                 "clean_effects": 0,
                 "attached_pic": 0,
                 "timed_thumbnails": 0,
                 "non_diegetic": 0,
                 "captions": 0,
                 "descriptions": 0,
                 "metadata": 0,
                 "dependent": 0,
                 "still_image": 0
     "format": {
         "filename": "bluray:BRMM_10591T",
         "nb_streams": 2,
         "nb_programs": 1,
         "format_name": "mpegts",
         "format_long_name": "MPEG-TS (MPEG-2 Transport Stream)",
         "start_time": "600.000000",
         "duration": "9.009000",
         "size": "4089505536",
         "bit_rate": "3631484547",
         "probe_score": 50
     }[AVIOContext @ 0x5600f310b600] Statistics: 6258688 bytes read, 2


 How to reproduce:
 % ffprobe -v 9 -loglevel 99 -print_format json -show_format -show_streams
 -playlist 2 -- 'bluray:BRMM_10591T'
 ffprobe version N-113523-g7375a6ca7b-20240204 Copyright (c) 2007-2024 the
 FFmpeg developers
   built with gcc 13.2.0 (crosstool-NG
   configuration: --prefix=/ffbuild/prefix --pkg-config-flags=--static
 --pkg-config=pkg-config --cross-prefix=x86_64-ffbuild-linux-gnu-
 --arch=x86_64 --target-os=linux --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --disable-
 debug --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-iconv --enable-libxml2
 --enable-zlib --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-gmp
 --enable-openssl --enable-lzma --enable-fontconfig --enable-libharfbuzz
 --enable-libvorbis --enable-opencl --enable-libpulse --enable-libvmaf
 --enable-libxcb --enable-xlib --enable-amf --enable-libaom --enable-
 libaribb24 --enable-avisynth --enable-chromaprint --enable-libdav1d
 --enable-libdavs2 --disable-libfdk-aac --enable-ffnvcodec --enable-cuda-
 llvm --enable-frei0r --enable-libgme --enable-libkvazaar --enable-
 libaribcaption --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libjxl
 --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-librist --enable-libssh
 --enable-libtheora --enable-libvpx --enable-libwebp --enable-lv2 --enable-
 libvpl --enable-openal --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-
 amrwb --enable-libopenh264 --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopenmpt
 --enable-librav1e --enable-librubberband --disable-schannel --enable-sdl2
 --enable-libsoxr --enable-libsrt --enable-libsvtav1 --enable-libtwolame
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 --enable-vulkan --enable-libshaderc --enable-libplacebo --enable-libx264
 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxavs2 --enable-libxvid --enable-libzimg
 --enable-libzvbi --extra-cflags=-DLIBTWOLAME_STATIC --extra-cxxflags=
 --extra-ldflags=-pthread --extra-ldexeflags='-pie -Wl,-rpath=\$\$ORIGIN
 -Wl,-rpath=\$\$ORIGIN/../lib' --extra-libs='-ldl -lgomp' --extra-
   libavutil      58. 36.101 / 58. 36.101
   libavcodec     60. 38.100 / 60. 38.100
   libavformat    60. 20.100 / 60. 20.100
   libavdevice    60.  4.100 / 60.  4.100
   libavfilter     9. 17.100 /  9. 17.100
   libswscale      7.  6.100 /  7.  6.100
   libswresample   4. 13.100 /  4. 13.100
   libpostproc    57.  4.100 / 57.  4.100
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