I’m trying to stream audio from my Macbook’s internal microphone using ffmpeg, 
but can’t figure out how to get the input device.  From what I’ve read online, 
it sounds like avfoundation doesn’t yet support audio.  I try listing devices 
for qtkit, but it only mentions video devices too.

$ ffmpeg -f qtkit -list_devices true -i ""
ffmpeg version 2.3.git-9b8eedd Copyright (c) 2000-2014 the FFmpeg developers
  built on Sep  8 2014 10:53:54 with Apple LLVM version 5.1 (clang-503.0.40) 
(based on LLVM 3.4svn)
  configuration: --prefix=/opt/local --enable-swscale --enable-avfilter 
--enable-avresample --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libvorbis --enable-libopus 
--enable-libtheora --enable-libschroedinger --enable-libopenjpeg 
--enable-libmodplug --enable-libvpx --enable-libspeex --enable-libass 
--enable-libbluray --enable-gnutls --enable-fontconfig --enable-libfreetype 
--enable-libfribidi --disable-indev=jack --disable-outdev=xv 
--mandir=/opt/local/share/man --enable-shared --enable-pthreads 
--cc=/usr/bin/clang --enable-vda --arch=x86_64 --enable-yasm --enable-gpl 
--enable-postproc --enable-libx264 --enable-libxvid --enable-nonfree 
--enable-libfdk-aac --enable-libfaac
  libavutil      54.  7.100 / 54.  7.100
  libavcodec     56.  1.100 / 56.  1.100
  libavformat    56.  3.100 / 56.  3.100
  libavdevice    56.  0.100 / 56.  0.100
  libavfilter     5.  0.103 /  5.  0.103
  libavresample   2.  1.  0 /  2.  1.  0
  libswscale      3.  0.100 /  3.  0.100
  libswresample   1.  1.100 /  1.  1.100
  libpostproc    53.  0.100 / 53.  0.100
[QTKit input device @ 0x7fb4a3c28880] QTKit video devices:
[QTKit input device @ 0x7fb4a3c28880] [0] FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
: Input/output error
retina:~ elliott$ 

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