I am mounting an ISO through loopback and I get 5 messages from libdvdread 
through lsdvd and 1 from perl crashing on the eval:
libdvdread: Attempting to use device /dev/loop0 mounted on 
/media/raid/Video/divx/iso for CSS authentication
libdvdread: No VTS_TMAPT available - skipping.
libdvdread: No VTS_TMAPT available - skipping.
libdvdread: No VTS_TMAPT available - skipping.
Couldn't read enough bytes for title.
Bad name after device' at (eval 5) line 2.

I am not a perl programmer. How would I manage to ignore STDERR in this section 
of dvd2concat to for lsdvd only if it was succesfull? The -q on lsdvd does not 
suppress the output:
my $lsdvd = do {
  open( my $l, "-|", "lsdvd", "-Op", "-x", $path )
    or die "You need to install lsdvd for this script to work.\n$lsdvd_message";
   local $/;
my %lsdvd = eval $lsdvd;
die $@ if $@;

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