On 2/27/15 10:01 AM, Nicolas George wrote:
Le nonidi 9 ventôse, an  CCXXIII, Deron a écrit :
>> As it turns out, "movie=test.ts[out0+subcc]" generates a rawvideo
>> stream. No audio.
>> So what happens to the audio, and how do I get it??? What good is
>> subtitles if I loose the audio?
> Have you considered reading the fine documentation?

No, I have not. I just type random letters on the keyboard until I get the results I want. Is that wrong?


I don't know ffmpeg like the back of my hand, so what may be obvious to you is not to me. For those who might encounter this same problem, this is what I managed to decipher:


If a better/proper method exists, please let me know. The use of s= was relatively obvious and tried before, but the pads usage was not. Only by the assumption that is must be possible did I get it to work after randomly made choices.

Thanks for your time (truly),


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