Am 19.05.15 um 23:06 schrieb Carl Eugen Hoyos:
Christoph Gerstbauer <christoph.gerstbauer <at>> writes:

C:\Windows\System32>ffmpeg -i
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\big_buck_bunny_ffvhuff.avi -vf
"scale=in_range=full:out_range=tv" -vcodec ffvhuff
It seems to me that the scale filter is so smart
that it doesn't scale if the input and output
resolution and input and output colourspace
are identical.

Even worse, both the filter and the software
scaler are smart enough to skip actual scaling,
so fixing the issue in the scale filter is not

I am not 100% sure if this is a bug, but it
seems so;-)

(Please try to understand that I had no idea
what you are talking about until seeing your
- imo sensible - command line.)

I hope you mean "to correct 0-255 to 16-235".

YES. thats what I want to do: correction to 16-235 levels.
I am checking different files with QCtools. It shows me optical if the values are above 235 or under 16. A numerical way would be much better, of course. But that is another issue.

Best Regards

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