On 5/24/2015 8:40 PM, Dani A wrote:
I am using the below and it is not working:
ffmpeg -i apple.mp4 -ss 00:00:4 -vframes 1 scale=241:164 apple2.png

[NULL @ 0xc217720] Unable to find a suitable output format for 'scale=320:240'
scale=320:240: Invalid argument

you definitely have an incorrect command line syntax. the scaling details should be preceded by the -vf switch (as this is a video filter), otherwise ffmpeg would consider that argument as the output file.
the error message really gave you the hint to the problem.

ffmpeg -i apple.mp4 -ss 00:00:4 -vframes 1 *-vf* scale=241:164 apple2.png


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