Ok thanks for the suggestion I will go and have a look at the documentation .
Thanks ,Shiwani

> Date: Sun, 24 May 2015 22:33:41 +0200
> From: barsn...@gmx.net
> To: ffmpeg-user@ffmpeg.org
> Subject: Re: [FFmpeg-user] Generation of thumbnails
> On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 17:20:11 +0000, Shiwani Agrawal wrote:
> > Please help me in understanding this command for generating the thumbnails :
> > input.mp4 -ss 1 -filter:v scale=640:-1 -vframes 1 first.jpg -f image2 -vf 
> > fps=fps=1/2 -s 128x72 second%03d.jpg
> I think we'd rather not help you understand that command line, as there
> is an extreme amount of nonsense in it. It would be better if you look
> at the docs and create your own command line, that will be much
> cleaner.
> Moritz
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