On 6/30/2015 3:25 PM, Dave P wrote:
On Jun 30, 2015 11:32 AM, "Jim Shupert, Jr." <jshup...@theppsgroup.com>


I wish to be able to play a file with ffplay but have it play at 1/2 the
real size

with -x NUM  -y NUM
I can control play size with
ffplay -x 640 -y 360 -i dog.avi
this works as hoped

but what I would really like to do is do some math on the file and scale
it down

with something like
ffplay -vf=scale=iw/2:ih/2 -i /media/data/zzz-s/NASA_logo.mov
You need a blank space after -vf

-vf scale=
oh my - that is humbling . Thank you dave P

here is what i settled on. it works

ffplay -vf "scale=iw/2:ih/2" -i /media/data/zzz-s/NASA_logo.mov

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