Hi everyone,

I'm writing a video editor which will push out a large json file that
includes the videos and a series of edits that were performed upon them. I
have a python application which parses the json and runs ffmpeg commands to
do things like overlay, scale and trim videos, render text, render images,

The biggest issue that I have is that the application that I run has to run
ffmpeg multiple times, thus re-encoding the video(s) and making the end
video look much lower quality than the original content. The original
videos are .webm and encoded using QTmuxingAppLibWebM-0.0.1.

Is there any way that I can help prevent this sort of thing or is there any
existing tooling for taking a series of edits and running them in one
command (meaning I don't have to re-encode multiple times)?

Any help would be appreciated.

- Mike
IRC: nolski
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