On 02/08/15 18:12, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
> MrNice <wxcvbn2006 <at> iol.ie> writes:
>> I had to add -ts to sync audio and video.
> Are they in sync?
> (This is the most important question.)
>> I tried with -ts abs and -ts mono2abs. I have 
>> read the documentation but a bit hard to understand.
>> Both are working but what is the difference, which 
>> one do you advice?
> I cannot answer, sorry.
>> Input #0, pulse, from 'alsa_input.pci-0000_00_14.2.analog-stereo':
>>   Duration: N/A, start: 1438446921.636832, bitrate: 1411 kb/s
>> Input #1, video4linux2,v4l2, from '/dev/video0':
>>   Duration: N/A, start: 1438446922.767573, bitrate: 165888 kb/s
> This looks ok to me.
> When looking at the output, do you think that 
> frames are dropped?
> (You cut the console output, so I cannot know.)
> Carl Eugen

Thanks Carl,

Yes audio and video are sync, this is OK.

I can answer 1 of my questions:
Cliping frame in rate conversion by
doesn't mean the frame is dropped.
I can see that at the end of the output
See bellow
My question is what does this sentence mean?
As the text is green, I'd say this is not very important and should not
remove quality.

./ffmpeg -debug 1 -f pulse -ar 44100 -ac 2 -channel_layout stereo
-thread_queue_size 512 -i alsa_input.pci-0000_00_14.2.analog-stereo -f
v4l2 -ts mono2abs -channel 1 -video_size 720x576 -pix_fmt yuyv422
-thread_queue_size 512 -i /dev/video0 -c:v ffv1 -level 3 -pix_fmt
yuv422p -c:a pcm_s16le /Store3/Test/t_`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M`.mkv
ffmpeg version N-73832-g736a386 Copyright (c) 2000-2015 the FFmpeg
  built with gcc 5.1.1 (GCC) 20150618 (Red Hat 5.1.1-4)
  configuration: --enable-libpulse --enable-gpl --enable-libx264
  libavutil      54. 28.100 / 54. 28.100
  libavcodec     56. 49.101 / 56. 49.101
  libavformat    56. 40.101 / 56. 40.101
  libavdevice    56.  4.100 / 56.  4.100
  libavfilter     5. 25.100 /  5. 25.100
  libswscale      3.  1.101 /  3.  1.101
  libswresample   1.  2.101 /  1.  2.101
  libpostproc    53.  3.100 / 53.  3.100
 matched as AVOption 'debug' with argument '1'.
Reading option '-f' ... matched as option 'f' (force format) with
argument 'pulse'.
Reading option '-ar' ... matched as option 'ar' (set audio sampling rate
(in Hz)) with argument '44100'.
Reading option '-ac' ... matched as option 'ac' (set number of audio
channels) with argument '2'.
Reading option '-channel_layout' ... matched as option 'channel_layout'
(set channel layout) with argument 'stereo'.
Reading option '-thread_queue_size' ... matched as option
'thread_queue_size' (set the maximum number of queued packets from the
demuxer) with argument '512'.
Reading option '-i' ... matched as input file with argument
Reading option '-f' ... matched as option 'f' (force format) with
argument 'v4l2'.
Reading option '-ts' ... matched as AVOption 'ts' with argument 'mono2abs'.
Reading option '-channel' ... matched as AVOption 'channel' with
argument '1'.
Reading option '-video_size' ... matched as AVOption 'video_size' with
argument '720x576'.
Reading option '-pix_fmt' ... matched as option 'pix_fmt' (set pixel
format) with argument 'yuyv422'.
Reading option '-thread_queue_size' ... matched as option
'thread_queue_size' (set the maximum number of queued packets from the
demuxer) with argument '512'.
Reading option '-i' ... matched as input file with argument '/dev/video0'.
Reading option '-c:v' ... matched as option 'c' (codec name) with
argument 'ffv1'.
Reading option '-level' ... matched as AVOption 'level' with argument '3'.
Reading option '-pix_fmt' ... matched as option 'pix_fmt' (set pixel
format) with argument 'yuv422p'.
Reading option '-c:a' ... matched as option 'c' (codec name) with
argument 'pcm_s16le'.
Reading option '/Store3/Test/t_20150802_0950.mkv' ... matched as output
Finished splitting the commandline.
Parsing a group of options: global .
Successfully parsed a group of options.
Parsing a group of options: input file
Applying option f (force format) with argument pulse.
Applying option ar (set audio sampling rate (in Hz)) with argument 44100.
Applying option ac (set number of audio channels) with argument 2.
Applying option channel_layout (set channel layout) with argument stereo.
Applying option thread_queue_size (set the maximum number of queued
packets from the demuxer) with argument 512.
Successfully parsed a group of options.
Opening an input file: alsa_input.pci-0000_00_14.2.analog-stereo.
[pulse @ 0x1db7dc0] All info found
Input #0, pulse, from 'alsa_input.pci-0000_00_14.2.analog-stereo':
  Duration: N/A, start: 1438505432.112968, bitrate: 1411 kb/s
    Stream #0:0, 1, 1/1000000: Audio: pcm_s16le, 44100 Hz, stereo, s16,
1411 kb/s
Successfully opened the file.
Parsing a group of options: input file /dev/video0.
Applying option f (force format) with argument v4l2.
Applying option pix_fmt (set pixel format) with argument yuyv422.
Applying option thread_queue_size (set the maximum number of queued
packets from the demuxer) with argument 512.
Successfully parsed a group of options.
Opening an input file: /dev/video0.
[video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x1dd0ec0] fd:6 capabilities:85220001
[video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x1dd0ec0] Selecting input_channel: 1
[video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x1dd0ec0] Current input_channel: 1, input_name:
S-Video, input_std: ffffff
[video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x1dd0ec0] The V4L2 driver is using the interlaced mode
[video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x1dd0ec0] Current standard: PAL, id: ff,
frameperiod: 1/25
[video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x1dd0ec0] Detected monotonic timestamps, converting
[video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x1dd0ec0] All info found
Input #1, video4linux2,v4l2, from '/dev/video0':
  Duration: N/A, start: 1438505433.275159, bitrate: 165888 kb/s
    Stream #1:0, 1, 1/1000000: Video: rawvideo, 1 reference frame (YUY2
/ 0x32595559), yuyv422, 720x576, 1/1000000, 165888 kb/s, 25 fps, 25 tbr,
1000k tbn, 1000k tbc
Successfully opened the file.
Parsing a group of options: output file /Store3/Test/t_20150802_0950.mkv.
Applying option c:v (codec name) with argument ffv1.
Applying option pix_fmt (set pixel format) with argument yuv422p.
Applying option c:a (codec name) with argument pcm_s16le.
Successfully parsed a group of options.
Opening an output file: /Store3/Test/t_20150802_0950.mkv.
Successfully opened the file.
detected 8 logical cores
[graph 0 input from stream 1:0 @ 0x1d99860] Setting 'video_size' to
value '720x576'
[graph 0 input from stream 1:0 @ 0x1d99860] Setting 'pix_fmt' to value '1'
[graph 0 input from stream 1:0 @ 0x1d99860] Setting 'time_base' to value
[graph 0 input from stream 1:0 @ 0x1d99860] Setting 'pixel_aspect' to
value '0/1'
[graph 0 input from stream 1:0 @ 0x1d99860] Setting 'sws_param' to value
[graph 0 input from stream 1:0 @ 0x1d99860] Setting 'frame_rate' to
value '25/1'
[graph 0 input from stream 1:0 @ 0x1d99860] w:720 h:576 pixfmt:yuyv422
tb:1/1000000 fr:25/1 sar:0/1 sws_param:flags=2
[format @ 0x1da3520] compat: called with args=[yuv422p]
[format @ 0x1da3520] Setting 'pix_fmts' to value 'yuv422p'
[auto-inserted scaler 0 @ 0x1d99c20] Setting 'flags' to value '0x4'
[auto-inserted scaler 0 @ 0x1d99c20] w:iw h:ih flags:'0x4' interl:0
[format @ 0x1da3520] auto-inserting filter 'auto-inserted scaler 0'
between the filter 'Parsed_null_0' and the filter 'format'
[AVFilterGraph @ 0x1d99a40] query_formats: 4 queried, 2 merged, 1
already done, 0 delayed
[auto-inserted scaler 0 @ 0x1d99c20] w:720 h:576 fmt:yuyv422 sar:0/1 ->
w:720 h:576 fmt:yuv422p sar:0/1 flags:0x4
[graph 1 input from stream 0:0 @ 0x1da3420] Setting 'time_base' to value
[graph 1 input from stream 0:0 @ 0x1da3420] Setting 'sample_rate' to
value '44100'
[graph 1 input from stream 0:0 @ 0x1da3420] Setting 'sample_fmt' to
value 's16'
[graph 1 input from stream 0:0 @ 0x1da3420] Setting 'channel_layout' to
value '0x3'
[graph 1 input from stream 0:0 @ 0x1da3420] tb:1/44100 samplefmt:s16
samplerate:44100 chlayout:0x3
[audio format for output stream 0:1 @ 0x1da39c0] Setting 'sample_fmts'
to value 's16'
[AVFilterGraph @ 0x1da3c80] query_formats: 4 queried, 9 merged, 0
already done, 0 delayed
Output #0, matroska, to '/Store3/Test/t_20150802_0950.mkv':
    encoder         : Lavf56.40.101
    Stream #0:0, 0, 1/1000: Video: ffv1, 1 reference frame (FFV1 /
0x31564646), yuv422p, 720x576, 1/25, q=2-31, 200 kb/s, 25 fps, 1k tbn,
25 tbc
      encoder         : Lavc56.49.101 ffv1
    Stream #0:1, 0, 1/1000: Audio: pcm_s16le ([1][0][0][0] / 0x0001),
44100 Hz, stereo, s16, 1411 kb/s
      encoder         : Lavc56.49.101 pcm_s16le
Stream mapping:
  Stream #1:0 -> #0:0 (rawvideo (native) -> ffv1 (native))
  Stream #0:0 -> #0:1 (pcm_s16le (native) -> pcm_s16le (native))
Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.000008
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.001839
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 819, size 198483, pts 0,
dts 0, duration 40, keyframe 1
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 199310, size 65472, pts
0, dts 0, duration 371, keyframe 1
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 264790, size 196525, pts
40, dts 40, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.001747
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 461323, size 197046, pts
80, dts 80, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.000389
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 658377, size 196392, pts
120, dts 120, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.002388
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 854777, size 196237, pts
160, dts 160, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.002449
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 1051022, size 196110, pts
200, dts 200, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.002449
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 1247140, size 196014, pts
240, dts 240, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.002846
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 1443162, size 195891, pts
280, dts 280, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.002892
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 1639061, size 196016, pts
320, dts 320, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.001060
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 1835085, size 195889, pts
360, dts 360, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.001488
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 2030982, size 46344, pts
371, dts 371, duration 263, keyframe 1
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 2077334, size 196219, pts
400, dts 400, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.003120
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 2273561, size 195834, pts
440, dts 440, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.003319
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Starting new cluster at offset 2469403 bytes, pts
480dts 480
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 2469419, size 198478, pts
480, dts 480, duration 40, keyframe 1
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.001640me=00:00:01.00
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 2667905, size 196320, pts
520, dts 520, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.003746
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 2864233, size 196145, pts
560, dts 560, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.003746
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 3060386, size 196180, pts
600, dts 600, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.002037
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 3256574, size 65472, pts
634, dts 634, duration 371, keyframe 1
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 3322054, size 196255, pts
640, dts 640, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.004066
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 3518317, size 195975, pts
680, dts 680, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.004143
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 3714300, size 195999, pts
720, dts 720, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.004219
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 3910307, size 198479, pts
760, dts 760, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.005867
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 4108794, size 194609, pts
800, dts 800, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.004341
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 4303411, size 194308, pts
840, dts 840, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.004799
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 4497727, size 131528, pts
880, dts 880, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.002937
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 4629263, size 130471, pts
920, dts 920, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.004799
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Starting new cluster at offset 4759742 bytes, pts
960dts 960
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 4759758, size 131225, pts
960, dts 960, duration 40, keyframe 1
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.004814
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 4890991, size 131853, pts
1000, dts 1000, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.003487me=00:00:01.16
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 5022852, size 28580, pts
1005, dts 1005, duration 162, keyframe 1
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 5051440, size 133688, pts
1040, dts 1040, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.005348
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 5185136, size 135177, pts
1080, dts 1080, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.005394
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 5320321, size 138140, pts
1120, dts 1120, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.005714
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 5458469, size 140050, pts
1160, dts 1160, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.005867
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 5598527, size 65472, pts
1167, dts 1167, duration 371, keyframe 1
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 5664007, size 142829, pts
1200, dts 1200, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.005714
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 5806844, size 145914, pts
1240, dts 1240, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.005989
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 5952766, size 149120, pts
1280, dts 1280, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.005836
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 6101894, size 153315, pts
1320, dts 1320, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.006096
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 6255217, size 158593, pts
1360, dts 1360, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.006218
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 6413818, size 162521, pts
1400, dts 1400, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.006111
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Starting new cluster at offset 6576347 bytes, pts
1440dts 1440
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 6576363, size 167717, pts
1440, dts 1440, duration 40, keyframe 1
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.006294
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 6744088, size 169411, pts
1480, dts 1480, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.006721me=00:00:01.90
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 6913507, size 172571, pts
1520, dts 1520, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.005013
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 7086086, size 65472, pts
1538, dts 1538, duration 371, keyframe 1
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 7151566, size 174384, pts
1560, dts 1560, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.007011
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 7325958, size 177654, pts
1600, dts 1600, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.007072
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 7503620, size 180612, pts
1640, dts 1640, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.007240
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 7684240, size 183857, pts
1680, dts 1680, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.007362
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 7868105, size 187448, pts
1720, dts 1720, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.007439
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 8055561, size 191191, pts
1760, dts 1760, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.007591
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 8246760, size 196705, pts
1800, dts 1800, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.007774
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 8443473, size 199458, pts
1840, dts 1840, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.007866
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 8642939, size 130726, pts
1880, dts 1880, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.006187
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Starting new cluster at offset 8773673 bytes, pts
1920dts 1920
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 8773689, size 15956, pts
1909, dts 1909, duration 90, keyframe 1
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 8789652, size 130046, pts
1920, dts 1920, duration 40, keyframe 1
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.007912
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 8919706, size 128771, pts
1960, dts 1960, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.008339
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 9048485, size 131667, pts
2000, dts 2000, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.006538me=00:00:02.14
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 9180160, size 25976, pts
2000, dts 2000, duration 147, keyframe 1
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 9206144, size 130400, pts
2040, dts 2040, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.008568
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 9336552, size 135439, pts
2080, dts 2080, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.008720
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 9471999, size 138051, pts
2120, dts 2120, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.006889
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 9610058, size 65472, pts
2147, dts 2147, duration 371, keyframe 1
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 9675538, size 140229, pts
2160, dts 2160, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.008888
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 9815775, size 143031, pts
2200, dts 2200, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.009163
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 9958814, size 145608, pts
2240, dts 2240, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.009117
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 10104430, size 148894,
pts 2280, dts 2280, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.009285
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 10253332, size 153544,
pts 2320, dts 2320, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.009422
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 10406884, size 157279,
pts 2360, dts 2360, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.009590
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Starting new cluster at offset 10564171 bytes,
pts 2400dts 2400
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 10564187, size 163899,
pts 2400, dts 2400, duration 40, keyframe 1
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.009621
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 10728094, size 165729,
pts 2440, dts 2440, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.009789
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 10893831, size 168827,
pts 2480, dts 2480, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.009941me=00:00:02.88
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 11062666, size 65472, pts
2518, dts 2518, duration 371, keyframe 1
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 11128146, size 171720,
pts 2520, dts 2520, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.008110
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 11299874, size 174699,
pts 2560, dts 2560, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.010185
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 11474581, size 177368,
pts 2600, dts 2600, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.010262
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 11651957, size 180966,
pts 2640, dts 2640, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.008522
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 11832931, size 183605,
pts 2680, dts 2680, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.008736
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 12016544, size 187353,
pts 2720, dts 2720, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.010719
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 12203905, size 191798,
pts 2760, dts 2760, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.010750
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 12395711, size 196654,
pts 2800, dts 2800, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.010948
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 12592373, size 196066,
pts 2840, dts 2840, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.011223
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Starting new cluster at offset 12788447 bytes,
pts 2880dts 2880
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 12788463, size 129048,
pts 2880, dts 2880, duration 40, keyframe 1
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.011238
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 12917519, size 41936, pts
2889, dts 2889, duration 238, keyframe 1
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 12959463, size 128249,
pts 2920, dts 2920, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.009468
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 13087720, size 129164,
pts 2960, dts 2960, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.009621
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 13216892, size 127969,
pts 3000, dts 3000, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.011513me=00:00:03.49
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 13344869, size 133904,
pts 3040, dts 3040, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.009865
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 13478781, size 135624,
pts 3080, dts 3080, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.011848
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 13614413, size 135127,
pts 3120, dts 3120, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.011894
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 13749548, size 65472, pts
3127, dts 3127, duration 371, keyframe 1
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 13815028, size 140696,
pts 3160, dts 3160, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.012138
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 13955732, size 142783,
pts 3200, dts 3200, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.010323
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 14098523, size 146537,
pts 3240, dts 3240, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.012260
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 14245068, size 150177,
pts 3280, dts 3280, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.012489
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 14395253, size 153475,
pts 3320, dts 3320, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.010643
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Starting new cluster at offset 14548736 bytes,
pts 3360dts 3360
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 14548752, size 159148,
pts 3360, dts 3360, duration 40, keyframe 1
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.012611
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 14707908, size 161720,
pts 3400, dts 3400, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.012642
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 14869636, size 165414,
pts 3440, dts 3440, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.011070
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 15035058, size 169545,
pts 3480, dts 3480, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.013023
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 15204611, size 65472, pts
3498, dts 3498, duration 371, keyframe 1
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 15270091, size 171715,
pts 3520, dts 3520, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.013161
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 15441814, size 175352,
pts 3560, dts 3560, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.013420
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 15617174, size 177221,
pts 3600, dts 3600, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.013435
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 15794403, size 180252,
pts 3640, dts 3640, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.013542
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 15974663, size 184033,
pts 3680, dts 3680, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.013741
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 16158704, size 188276,
pts 3720, dts 3720, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.013573
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 16346988, size 191282,
pts 3760, dts 3760, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.014168
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 16538278, size 196109,
pts 3800, dts 3800, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.012260
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Starting new cluster at offset 16734395 bytes,
pts 3840dts 3840
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 16734411, size 201748,
pts 3840, dts 3840, duration 40, keyframe 1
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.014290
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 16936167, size 22968, pts
3869, dts 3869, duration 130, keyframe 1
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 16959143, size 132380,
pts 3880, dts 3880, duration 40


Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.121223
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 136837891, size 65472,
pts 37452, dts 37452, duration 371, keyframe 1
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 136903371, size 193831,
pts 37480, dts 37480, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.121742
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 137097210, size 193623,
pts 37520, dts 37520, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.121819
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 137290841, size 193727,
pts 37560, dts 37560, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.121239
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 137484576, size 193801,
pts 37600, dts 37600, duration 40, keyframe 0
Cliping frame in rate conversion by 0.122139
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 137678385, size 193608,
pts 37640, dts 37640, duration 40, keyframe 0
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] Writing block at offset 137872001, size 30536,
pts 37823, dts 37823, duration 173, keyframe 1
[matroska @ 0x1dd2aa0] end duration = 37996
frame=  942 fps= 25 q=0.0 Lsize=  134672kB time=00:00:37.99
video:128114kB audio:6546kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global
headers:0kB muxing overhead: 0.008937%
Input file #0 (alsa_input.pci-0000_00_14.2.analog-stereo):
  Input stream #0:0 (audio): 144 packets read (6702592 bytes); 144
frames decoded (1675648 samples);
  Total: 144 packets (6702592 bytes) demuxed
Input file #1 (/dev/video0):
  Input stream #1:0 (video): 942 packets read (781332480 bytes); 942
frames decoded;
  Total: 942 packets (781332480 bytes) demuxed
Output file #0 (/Store3/Test/t_20150802_0950.mkv):
  Output stream #0:0 (video): 942 frames encoded; 942 packets muxed
(131189221 bytes);
  Output stream #0:1 (audio): 144 frames encoded (1675648 samples); 144
packets muxed (6702592 bytes);
  Total: 1086 packets (137891813 bytes) muxed
1086 frames successfully decoded, 0 decoding errors
[AVIOContext @ 0x1dde5c0] Statistics: 492 seeks, 4915 writeouts

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