Henk D. Schoneveld wrote:

On 12 Sep 2015, at 22:16, Andy Furniss <adf.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

Henk D. Schoneveld wrote:
First tried to upload to incoming but ii’s presented to me as RO

Uploaded a 20MB file for someone interested in investigating at:

It does seem to decode slower than other similar bitrate TV samples
I have.

Would this suggest that load when playing of such a file is higher
then ‘normal behaving’ files ?

I don't know about that - there seems to be spare, but then I don't
really trust top.

The sample is quite short, so could be misleading, but looking at the
fps counter doing -

ffmpeg -i infile -an -sn -f null -

I get around 89 for your sample but 134 for the first bit of a similar
bitrate dvb sample I have.

Or write-speed of decoded output to SSD or memory would be
limited/lower then ‘normal behaving’ files ?

I guess so if it decodes slower.
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