Hopefully this is easily explained. I, like many when compiling something
as broad as this, am following a guide that I believe actually came from
the project. At any rate, upon my ./config execution for ffmpeg, everything
goes fine, but at the end it lists in Yellow:

"WARNING: using libfdk without pkg-config"

Seeing this I have triple checked the config entry for ffmpeg and
everything I can see is correct. So I went back to libfdk-aac and cleaned
it up and recompiled it adding the path to the only pkg-config file I could
find via adding, "--prefix="/usr/bin" to the config. This made no extra
warnings and had zero effect on that build, as well it output all the same
things when I recompiled ffmpeg. No change at all.

I apologize in advance - and can give you all of the details you require,
but instead of making a marathon post here initially, I thought perhaps
someone could just explain exactly what is meant by the error - and/or to
what variables it applies. I am quite sure a better understanding of what
element is calling that error, why might allow me to help myself. Or even
perhaps the community can indicate that it may mean absolutely nothing, so
that would be helpful too. I am happy to provide any data that will help
you assist me, you just need to tell me what that is. Thank you everyone
for your time.

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