I am suspect that My question here will be judged as to broad or having to
do with a shell script and therefore be dismissed.
But , I am curious for a solution so I will ask anyway.

Any wisdom is welcomed. Thanks in advance.
Yes I realize this is a "hard one" , well-- it has been hard for me. ;)

I wish to loop through a directory of videos and play them in a specific way

( 1-for 5 seconds from the start , 2 then go 1 min deep and play for 5 sec )
my problem is I need to kill ffplay

I am very much able to PLAY in the manner i wish but seem UNABLE  to end a
ffplay event so that it can move forward to the next event.

It seems that ffplay stops at then end of 5 sec and then sits and waits.
If I do a control C in the shell or close the ffplay player only then does
the shell script move on.

You will see where I have tried vatious methods to kill ffplay.

My thought was
play file1 way 1
kill ffplay
play file 1 way 2
kill ffplay
and loop to next file
one thing I wish to populate a var $Myp
with the ffplay process id
I do not seem to be doing that right
Myp=$(ps aux | grep ffplay | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')

here is my script

# ~~~~~~~~~~batch
# ~~~~~~~~-
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
####---FROM < where the avis are . eg /media/data/cap

###--- the dir where the source avi are
cd $Src
echo            $(date)   
__________________________________________________START_of_SESSIONj >>
for f in *.$etn ; do

###################################---------  play 1  for 5 sec from top
ffplay -t 00:00:05.000 $Src/$f

#Myp < ps aux | grep ffplay | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'

Myp=$(ps aux | grep ffplay | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')

### here are my many failed attempts to close so it can go to Next
###sleep 5s
##pkill ffplay
# kill -SIGKILL
#kill -SIGKILL $Myp
#kill -SIGKILL -sigspec $Myp
killall ffplay
echo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
echo $Myp

############---test for FF process
    while [ "$FFPLAYStillRunning" = "true" ]; do
        Process=$(ps -C ffplay | grep -o -e "ffplay" )
        if [ -n "$Process" ]; then
        sleep 2s
###################################---------  play 2  for 5 sec from 1 min

##  ./kll.sh &
ffplay -ss 00:01:00.000 -t 00:00:05.000 $Src/$f

sleep 5s
#kill -e -q ffplay
#kill -q ffplay
pkill ffplay
echo bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

##-- rpt size
#vidSize=$(du -h $Src/${f%.*}.$etn)
###vidSize=$(du -h $Src/$f)
echo ${f%.*}    $vidSize ## >> ~//01_logs/$job.txt

echo            $(date)    ________________________ >> ~//01_logs/$job.txt
echo -- >> ~//01_logs/$job.txt
  echo " -----------------------------------------------------------"
  echo " finished  ----- $f  -----"

##-- make the checksum
###  md5sum -b /home/jshupert/Videos/t/Bug_Love_sjp.mp4 >

echo "doing CHKSUM for  $f"
#md5sum -b $Src/${f%.*} > $Src/${f%.*}_.md5
#md5sum -b $Src/${f%.*} > $Src/$f_.md5
#md5sum -b $Src/${f%.mp4} > $Src/$f.md5
md5sum -b $Src/$f > $Src/$f.md5

echo $f         ok checksum  >> ~//01_logs/job_log.txt
echo            $(date)   >> ~//01_logs/$job.txt

echo $f         $(date)         fin run ALL >> ~//01_logs/$job.txt
echo ------- >> ~//01_logs/$job.txt
echo ------- >> ~//01_logs/$job.txt
echo " -----------------------------------------------------------"
echo " finished $f --------- nnn --------"

#### - end

again, thanks for any wisdom

best regards

jim S

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