Phil Turmel, Jason C

Hi guys and thanks for your time, but it now seems like we see
disadvantages of quoted answers or laziness of yours to read the whole 28
mails and see the fact, that I was not tried to say something really bad to
this type of style. Thanks to Reindl Harald's patience which was on the
edge already I've managed to understand and accept this way of writing
here, on this list.
Instead of taking your time and pointing out to the history and searching
engines, you could just read the whole thread or, at least, my last few
e-mails :) In some way this thread could even be a good example of
community helping newcomers to make them here feeling like at home. Again:
pointing out to search engines and history in most cases takes as much time
as someone could just write a simple answer.

Best regards,
ffmpeg-user mailing list

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