On 2/11/16, Michael Koch <astroelectro...@t-online.de> wrote:
> Hello all,
> let's assume I have two images and want to see them alternating with
> framerate 1.
> image1, image2, image1, image2 and so on, and stop after 60 seconds.
> I could make 60 copies of the images and rename them with numbers from 0
> to 59.
> Is there an easier way to do this, without making so many copies?

ffmpeg -r 1 -loop 1 -i cherry-left.jpg -r 1 -loop 1 -i
cherry-right.jpg -lavfi
[0:v]setpts=N*2[a],[1:v]setpts=N*2+1[b],[a][b]interleave /tmp/o.nut
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