Am 23.03.2016 um 14:22 schrieb Aaron Boxer:
On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 4:52 PM, Reindl Harald <>
*where* doe soyur build install stuff?

nothing renames anything - path orders are relevant
in doubt *tell* ffmpeg where it has to seek!

--extra-ldflags may be your friend

I install OpenJPEG library into /usr/local/lib
and header into /usr/local/include

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like FFmpeg is finding them

did you tell it to look there?
what was unclear in "--extra-ldflags may be your friend"?

*how* does you full configure-line looks like?

i really don't understand why you are not posting full informations what is installed where and your configure line from the very first start -

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