Am 11.04.2017 um 19:08 schrieb WANG Haojiao:
hi i'm trying to add smb support for my ffmpeg. I added "--enable-libsmbclient" in the 
configuration and tried to compile. but i always get the a "ERROR: smbclient not found" 
error. I've attached my config.log in this mail. will be great if can get some help in detail. thx.

and why can't you provide any useful information?

google -> ffmpeg "ERROR: smbclient not found"

did you install the damned devel package on the operating system you didn't mention - on Redhat it would be "libsmbclient-devel"

with every day i get older i become more tired of people asking others to helpf where 1 minute of google would solve the issue and if not THAN

Be precise and informative about your problem

    Describe the symptoms of your problem or bug carefully and clearly.

Describe the environment in which it occurs (machine, OS, application, whatever). Provide your vendor's distribution and release level (e.g.: ?Fedora Core 7?, ?Slackware 9.1?, etc.).

Describe the research you did to try and understand the problem before you asked the question.

Describe the diagnostic steps you took to try and pin down the problem yourself before you asked the question.

Describe any possibly relevant recent changes in your computer or software configuration.

If at all possible, provide a way to reproduce the problem in a controlled environment.
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