
Thanks for your help.

Have you used python-librtmp to transfer rtmp stream?




At 2019-04-01 06:13:19, "Michael Shaffer" <mikeshaf...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Here is the script I made for restarting the cameras.. Could alter it so it
>lets you switch streams etc..
>import tkinter as tk
>from tkinter import *
>import mysql.connector
>import subprocess
>from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT, call
>import threading
>import re
>import time
>top = tk.Tk()
>t = None
># Enable auto restart for individual cameras
>cam1 = 1
>cam2 = 1
>cam3 = 1
>cam4 = 1
>cam5 = 1
># Time of last restart
>c1lastRestartTime = time.time()
>c2lastRestartTime = time.time()
>c3lastRestartTime = time.time()
>c4lastRestartTime = time.time()
>c5lastRestartTime = time.time()
>c2UptimeTotal = 0
>c1RecordUptime = 0
>c2RecordUptime = 0
>c3RecordUptime = 0
>c4RecordUptime = 0
>c5RecordUptime = 0
># Counts to keep track of how many times cameras restart
>cam1RestartCount = 1
>cam2RestartCount = 1
>cam3RestartCount = 1
>cam4RestartCount = 1
>cam5RestartCount = 1
># Disabled by default, enabled using button
>autoRestart = 0
>def Start1():
>  global c1lastRestartTime
>  global cam1RestartCount
>  timeNow = time.time()
>  delay = timeNow - c1lastRestartTime
>  print(delay)
>  if delay > 20:
>    c1lastRestartTime = time.time()
>    cam1RestartCount = cam1RestartCount + 1
>    addRecord(1)
>    Stop1()
>    myUrl='xterm -geometry 80x25+50+20 -fg green -hold -e
>/home/dell/ffmpeg1 -rtsp_transport tcp -thread_queue_size 5096 -i \"rtsp://
>admin:pw@\" -rtbufsize 1000M -f lavfi -f dshow -f alsa -i
>default -c:a libmp3lame -ab 128k -ar 44100 -c:v copy -f flv \"rtmp://
>    subprocess.Popen(myUrl, shell=True)
>    print("Camera 1 started.")
>def Start2():
>  global c2lastRestartTime
>  global cam2RestartCount
>  timeNow = time.time()
>  delay = timeNow - c2lastRestartTime
>  print(delay)
>  if delay > 20:
>    c2lastRestartTime = time.time()
>    cam2RestartCount = cam2RestartCount + 1
>    addRecord(2)
>    Stop2()
>    myUrl='xterm -geometry 80x25+50+380 -fg green -hold -e
>/home/dell/ffmpeg2 -rtsp_transport tcp -thread_queue_size 5096 -i \"rtsp://
>admin:pw@\" -f lavfi -f dshow
>-rtbufsize 500M -f alsa -i default -c:a libmp3lame -ab 128k -ar 44100 -c:v
>copy -threads 0 -bufsize 512k -f flv \"rtmp://
>    subprocess.Popen(myUrl, shell=True)
>    print("Camera 2 started.")
>def Start3():
>  global c3lastRestartTime
>  global cam3RestartCount
>  timeNow = time.time()
>  delay = timeNow - c3lastRestartTime
>  print(delay)
>  if delay > 20:
>    c3lastRestartTime = time.time()
>    cam3RestartCount = cam3RestartCount + 1
>    addRecord(3)
>    Stop3()
>    myUrl='xterm -geometry 80x25+50+730 -fg green -hold -e
>/home/dell/ffmpeg3 -rtsp_transport tcp -thread_queue_size 5096 -i \"rtsp://
>admin:pw@\" -f lavfi -f dshow
>-rtbufsize 500M -f alsa -i default -c:a libmp3lame -ab 128k -ar 44100 -c:v
>copy -threads 0 -bufsize 512k -f flv \"rtmp://
>    subprocess.Popen(myUrl, shell=True)
>    print("Camera 3 started.")
>def Start4():
>  global c4lastRestartTime
>  global cam4RestartCount
>  timeNow = time.time()
>  delay = timeNow - c4lastRestartTime
>  print(delay)
>  if delay > 20:
>    c4lastRestartTime = time.time()
>    cam4RestartCount = cam4RestartCount + 1
>    addRecord(4)
>    Stop4()
>    myUrl='xterm -geometry 80x25+560+20 -fg green -hold -e
>/home/dell/ffmpeg4 -rtsp_transport tcp -thread_queue_size 5096 -i \"rtsp://
>admin:pw@\" -rtbufsize 500M -f lavfi
>-f dshow -f alsa -i default -c:a libmp3lame -ab 128k -ar 44100 -c:v copy -f
>flv \"rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\"'
>    subprocess.Popen(myUrl, shell=True)
>    print("Camera 4 started.")
>def Start5():
>  global c5lastRestartTime
>  global cam5RestartCount
>  timeNow = time.time()
>  delay = timeNow - c5lastRestartTime
>  print(delay)
>  if delay > 20:
>    c5lastRestartTime = time.time()
>    cam5RestartCount = cam5RestartCount + 1
>    addRecord(5)
>    Stop5()
>    myUrl='xterm -geometry 80x25+560+380 -fg green -hold -e
>/home/dell/ffmpeg5 -rtsp_transport tcp -thread_queue_size 5096 -i \"rtsp://
>admin:pw@\" -f lavfi -f dshow
>-rtbufsize 500M -f alsa -i default -c:a libmp3lame -ab 128k -ar 44100 -c:v
>copy -bufsize 512k -f flv \"rtmp://
>    subprocess.Popen(myUrl, shell=True)
>    print("Camera 5 started.")
>def addRecord(camNum):
>    mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
>    host="localhost",
>    user="xxx",
>    passwd="xxx",
>    database="cameras"
>    )
>    mycursor = mydb.cursor()
>    t = time.time()
>    sql = "INSERT INTO test2 (cid, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s)"
>    val = (camNum, t)
>    mycursor.execute(sql, val)
>    mydb.commit()
>def StartAll():
>    Start1()
>    Start2()
>    Start3()
>    Start4()
>    Start5()
>def ListProcesses():
>    print("\n-----------------\nFFMpeg Processes: \n")
>    call("ps -A | grep ffmpeg", shell=True)
>def Stop1():
>    call("ps -ef | grep ffmpeg1 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs
>-r kill -9", shell=True)
>    print("Camera 1 stopped.")
>    #call("ps -ef | grep defunct | grep -v grep | cut -b8-20 | xargs kill
>-9", shell=True)
>def Stop2():
>    call("ps -ef | grep ffmpeg2 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs
>-r kill -9", shell=True)
>    print("Camera 2 stopped.")
>    #call("ps -ef | grep defunct | grep -v grep | cut -b8-20 | xargs kill
>-9", shell=True)
>def Stop3():
>    call("ps -ef | grep ffmpeg3 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs
>-r kill -9", shell=True)
>    print("Camera 3 stopped.")
>    #call("ps -ef | grep defunct | grep -v grep | cut -b8-20 | xargs kill
>-9", shell=True)
>def Stop4():
>    call("ps -ef | grep ffmpeg4 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs
>-r kill -9", shell=True)
>    print("Camera 4 stopped.")
>    #call("ps -ef | grep defunct | grep -v grep | cut -b8-20 | xargs kill
>-9", shell=True)
>def Stop5():
>    call("ps -ef | grep ffmpeg5 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs
>-r kill -9", shell=True)
>    print("Camera 5 stopped.")
>    #call("ps -ef | grep defunct | grep -v grep | cut -b8-20 | xargs kill
>-9", shell=True)
>def StopAll():
>    call("ps -ef | grep ffmpeg | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -r
>kill -9", shell=True)
>    print("All cameras stopped.\n")
>    #call("ps -ef | grep defunct | grep -v grep | cut -b8-20 | xargs kill
>-9", shell=True)
>def getUptime(camNum):
>  global c1lastRestartTime
>  global c2lastRestartTime
>  global c3lastRestartTime
>  global c4lastRestartTime
>  global c5lastRestartTime
>  global c1RecordUptime
>  global c2RecordUptime
>  global c3RecordUptime
>  global c4RecordUptime
>  global c5RecordUptime
>  currentTime = time.time()
>  if camNum == 1:
>    compareTime = c1lastRestartTime
>    upTime = currentTime - compareTime
>    upTime = int(upTime)
>    if upTime > c1RecordUptime:
>      c1RecordUptime = upTime
>  if camNum == 2:
>    compareTime = c2lastRestartTime
>    upTime = currentTime - compareTime
>    upTime = int(upTime)
>    if upTime > c2RecordUptime:
>      c2RecordUptime = upTime
>  if camNum == 3:
>    compareTime = c3lastRestartTime
>    upTime = currentTime - compareTime
>    upTime = int(upTime)
>    if upTime > c3RecordUptime:
>      c3RecordUptime = upTime
>  if camNum == 4:
>    compareTime = c4lastRestartTime
>    upTime = currentTime - compareTime
>    upTime = int(upTime)
>    if upTime > c4RecordUptime:
>      c4RecordUptime = upTime
>  if camNum == 5:
>    compareTime = c5lastRestartTime
>    upTime = currentTime - compareTime
>    upTime = int(upTime)
>    if upTime > c5RecordUptime:
>      c5RecordUptime = upTime
>  return upTime
>def check():
>  global t
>  global cam1
>  global cam2
>  global cam3
>  global cam4
>  global cam5
>  global autoRestart
>  global c1RecordUptime
>  global c2RecordUptime
>  global c3RecordUptime
>  global c4RecordUptime
>  global c5RecordUptime
>  X_list = []
>  Y_list = []
>  cam1sum=0
>  cam1avg=0
>  cam1instances=0
>  cam2sum=0
>  cam2avg=0
>  cam2instances=0
>  cam3sum=0
>  cam3avg=0
>  cam3instances=0
>  cam4sum=0
>  cam4avg=0
>  cam4instances=0
>  cam5sum=0
>  cam5avg=0
>  cam5instances=0
>  totalUploadAvg=0
>  call("timeout 5 sysdig -c topprocs_net > camstatus1.txt", shell=True)
>  with open("/home/dell/camstatus1.txt") as catalog:
>    for line in catalog:
>        goodletters = ('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9')
>        if line.startswith(goodletters):
>          column = line.split()
>          x = str(column[0])
>          y = str(column[1])
>          x = x[:3]
>          z = y[:6]
>          x = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", x)
>          if z == 'ffmpeg':
>            xfloat = float(x)
>            xint = int(xfloat)
>            X_list.append(xint)
>            y = y[:7]
>            Y_list.append(y)
>          if y == 'ffmpeg1':
>            cam1sum = cam1sum + xint
>            cam1instances = cam1instances + 1
>          if y == 'ffmpeg2':
>            cam2sum = cam2sum + xint
>            cam2instances = cam2instances + 1
>          if y == 'ffmpeg3':
>            cam3sum = cam3sum + xint
>            cam3instances = cam3instances + 1
>          if y == 'ffmpeg4':
>            cam4sum = cam4sum + xint
>            cam4instances = cam4instances + 1
>          if y == 'ffmpeg5':
>            cam5sum = cam5sum + xint
>            cam5instances = cam5instances + 1
>  if cam1instances != 0:
>    cam1avg = (cam1sum / cam1instances) * 8
>  if cam2instances != 0:
>    cam2avg = (cam2sum / cam2instances) * 8
>  if cam3instances != 0:
>    cam3avg = (cam3sum / cam3instances) * 8
>  if cam4instances != 0:
>    cam4avg = (cam4sum / cam4instances) * 8
>  if cam5instances != 0:
>    cam5avg = (cam5sum / cam5instances) * 8
>  totalUploadAvg = cam1avg + cam2avg + cam3avg + cam4avg + cam5avg
>  print("Instances in file")
>  print(cam1instances)
>  print(cam2instances)
>  print(cam3instances)
>  print(cam4instances)
>  print(cam5instances)
>  c2uptimeavg = c2UptimeTotal / cam2RestartCount
>  print("Camera 1 - Avg Speed: ",cam1avg," Uptime: ",getUptime(1),"
>Restarts: ",cam1RestartCount,"Record Uptime: ",c1RecordUptime)
>  print("Camera 2 - Avg Speed: ",cam2avg," Uptime: ",getUptime(2),"
>Restarts: ",cam2RestartCount,"Record Uptime: ",c2RecordUptime)
>  print("Camera 3 - Avg Speed: ",cam3avg," Uptime: ",getUptime(3),"
>Restarts: ",cam3RestartCount,"Record Uptime: ",c3RecordUptime)
>  print("Camera 4 - Avg Speed: ",cam4avg," Uptime: ",getUptime(4),"
>Restarts: ",cam4RestartCount,"Record Uptime: ",c4RecordUptime)
>  print("Camera 5 - Avg Speed: ",cam5avg," Uptime: ",getUptime(5),"
>Restarts: ",cam5RestartCount,"Record Uptime: ",c5RecordUptime)
>  print("           Total UL:  ",totalUploadAvg)
>  if autoRestart == 1:
>    if cam1 == 1:
>      if cam1avg < 50 or cam1instances == 0:
>        Start1()
>    if cam2 == 1:
>      if cam2avg < 50 or cam2instances == 0:
>        Start2()
>    if cam3 == 1:
>      if cam3avg < 50 or cam3instances == 0:
>        Start3()
>    if cam4 == 1:
>      if cam4avg < 50 or cam4instances == 0:
>        Start4()
>    if cam5 == 1:
>      if cam5avg < 50 or cam5instances == 0:
>        Start5()
>  t = threading.Timer(10, check)
>  t.start()
>def AutoRestartOn():
>  global autoRestart
>  t = threading.Timer(5, check)
>  t.start()
>  autoRestart = 1
>  print("Auto restart ON")
>def AutoRestartOff():
>  global autoRestart
>  t.cancel()
>  autoRestart = 0
>  print("Auto restart OFF")
>B = tk.Button(top, text ="Cam 1 Start", command = Start1)
>B = tk.Button(top, text ="Cam 2 Start", command = Start2)
>B = tk.Button(top, text ="Cam 3 Start", command = Start3)
>B = tk.Button(top, text ="Cam 4 Start", command = Start4)
>B = tk.Button(top, text ="Cam 5 Start", command = Start5)
>B = tk.Button(top, text ="Cam 1 Stop", command = Stop1)
>B = tk.Button(top, text ="Cam 2 Stop", command = Stop2)
>B = tk.Button(top, text ="Cam 3 Stop", command = Stop3)
>B = tk.Button(top, text ="Cam 4 Stop", command = Stop4)
>B = tk.Button(top, text ="Cam 5 Stop", command = Stop5)
>B = tk.Button(top, text ="Start All", command = StartAll)
>B = tk.Button(top, text ="Stop All", command = StopAll)
>B = tk.Button(top, text ="List Processes", command = ListProcesses)
>B = tk.Button(top, text ="Auto Restart Off", command = AutoRestartOff)
>B = tk.Button(top, text ="Auto Restart On", command = AutoRestartOn)
>On Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 5:55 PM Michael Shaffer <mikeshaf...@gmail.com>
>> Hmm I don't know. My python script basically just runs ffmpeg in a shell.
>> It uses nethogs (in Ubunu) to measure how much bandwidth ffmpeg is using.
>> If it drops below a certain level the script restarts the ffmpeg process. I
>> also have different buttons for manually starting and stopping each of the
>> 5 camera streams. Plus turning the auto-restart on and off.
>> It wouldn't be hard at all to make a script that would let you switch
>> which input stream to use for the destination. The ffmpeg process would
>> restart though so there would be a very short interruption in the sending
>> to the destination rtmp address.
>> Basically I'm using python to manage ffmpeg sessions. I"m not using a rtmp
>> library in python. I don't know if there is one.
>> On Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 2:47 AM qw <applema...@163.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Does python's rtmp lib support switch two input rtmp streams, and relay
>>> one of them to destination rtmp address?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Regards
>>> Andrew
>>> At 2019-03-31 00:09:17, "Michael Shaffer" <mikeshaf...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >I haven't used Nginx but I think it does rtmp relay. I used a python
>>> script
>>> >for relaying from my ip cameras to youtube..
>>> >
>>> >On Sat, Mar 30, 2019 at 12:08 PM Michael Shaffer <mikeshaf...@gmail.com>
>>> >wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> Nginx
>>> >>
>>> >> On Sat, Mar 30, 2019 at 12:05 PM qw <applema...@163.com> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>> Hi,
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Is there some active popular rtmp server that can relay rtmp stream?
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Thanks!
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Regards
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Andrew
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> At 2019-03-30 23:52:45, "Michael Shaffer" <mikeshaf...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >>> >I don't think so. I think you have to use an older version of
>>> ffmpeg. I
>>> >>> >could never get ffserver to work right..
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> >On Sat, Mar 30, 2019 at 11:49 AM qw <applema...@163.com> wrote:
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> >> Hi,
>>> >>> >>
>>> >>> >>
>>> >>> >> does ffmpeg 4 still support ffserver?
>>> >>> >>
>>> >>> >>
>>> >>> >>
>>> >>> >> Regards
>>> >>> >>
>>> >>> >>
>>> >>> >> Andrew
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