On 2021-12-21 08:14 pm, Cecil Westerhof via ffmpeg-user wrote:
I have the recording of a zoom meeting where I need to cut out a
portion from and the first little bit has to be blacked out.

I use the following command:
     ffmpeg -y                                    \
         -ss 00:26:05                             \
         -to 00:44:04                             \
         -i input.mp4                             \
         -vf "
              drawbox=enable='between(t, 0, 1.6)' :
                 color     = black                :
                 w         = in_w                 :
                 h         = in_h                 :
                 thickness = fill
         "                                        \
         -acodec copy                             \
         -vcodec libx264                          \
         -crf 23                                  \
         -preset veryfast                         \

This creates a seemingly correct file, with one little problem: the
time starts at 00:00:27 and ends at 00:18:26. (As displayed by the
player mpv.)

This should work. Where are the keyframes in the video stream?

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