Hello again,

I was now able to pull out some of my code.
First, I want to talk a bit of the import process.
I personally go with mp4 files as they are just a container which can contain almost every codec according to Audio/Video. Why mp4 for input data? Most importantly, you can place a lot of different metadata aka atoms inside mp4 containers, which your app can later pull out and write to a database to later build queries onto. Sadly, there is no tooling available under Windows that really allows you to set >>all<< mp4 atoms/metadata which are available and fully QuickTime conform. There is only one tool available called "Subler" and it's only for Mac... You could first metarize all your mp4 files using Subler and later on read information via ffprobe using JSON output format, which is fine for parsing:

ffprobe -print_format json -export_all true -show_streams -show_format -loglevel quiet -hide_banner my_file.mp4

Sadly, ffprobe has a limitation if it comes to enforced subtitles. ffprobe is not able to read if a subtitle is enforced by a specific mp4 atom for a tx3g embedded subtitle tracks (default track selection is not meaning = forced, some people are thinking this, and It's simply not true, there is a extra atom available for text tracks only to set them forced), so you will have to hack around this using a scoring mechanism for comparing length of enforced subtitle tracks against normal subtitle tracks e.g. your video input has the subtitle tracks "English" and "English forced", the shorter one will be the enforced one and the longer the normal one according to nb_frames comparison. But as I already said, there are some limits, e.g. what do you do if you have "English", "English SDH" and "English forced"? Without ffprobe being able to really pull this information out of the container/track, you are kinda lost. Just wanted to say this in forehand, as you will most likely face this issue in the future during development.

Second, the solution Dave suggested in his previous post, please correct me if I'm wrong Dave, but I guess he is referring to: https://github.com/kaltura/nginx-vod-module . This solution is fine if you really just have plenty amount of users. If you have many users, this solution will rip every CPU apart and is not suitable if you want to build a Netflix like application as you will have to transcode every playback of every user in real time. If you have lots of Videos, this is not the way to go. You better go for transcoding the videos once, placing them onto a S3 storage and deliver them from here to your users. There are also many steps here in between, like authentication for pulling segments, DRM etc.

But now to your actual question:

Assuming you want to transcode a mp4 8 Bit 4K input to HLS, pretty sure it works with a ts file as well, the command to only transcode the video should look something like this:

/usr/bin/ffmpeg -i "/tmp/VODProcessing/my_file.mp4" -map 0:0 -c:v libx264 -b:v 10485760 -maxrate:v 11010048 -bufsize 41943040 -vf zscale=width=3840:height=2160 -strict -1 -f yuv4mpegpipe -profile:v high -level 5.1 -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 16 -preset fast -bf 0 -tune fastdecode -force_key_frames "expr:gte(t,n_forced*2)" -keyint_min 48 -use_timeline 1 -use_template 1 -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -sc_threshold 0 -f hls -seg_duration 4 -hls_time 4 -streaming 1 -hls_list_size 0 -hls_segment_filename "/tmp/VODProcessing/output/my_file/v-h264-2160p-avc1.640033/f-%04d.m4s" -hls_fmp4_init_filename "init-v-h264-2160p-avc1.640033.m4s" -hls_segment_type fmp4 -hls_playlist_type vod -movflags frag_keyframe+frag_every_frame+write_colr+prefer_icc+skip_trailer+faststart -hls_flags independent_segments "/tmp/VODProcessing/output/my_file/v-h264-2160p-avc1.640033/master.m3u8"
And for your audio, in this example a 5.1 source, it should look like this:

/usr/bin/ffmpeg -i "/tmp/VODProcessing/my_file.mp4" -map 0:2 -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 384000 -ac 6 -bf 0 -tune fastdecode -force_key_frames "expr:gte(t,n_forced*2)" -keyint_min 48 -use_timeline 1 -use_template 1 -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -sc_threshold 0 -f hls -seg_duration 4 -hls_time 4 -streaming 1 -hls_list_size 0 -hls_segment_filename "/tmp/VODProcessing/output/my_file/a-aac-en-mp4a.40.2_384000/f-%04d.m4s" -hls_fmp4_init_filename "init-a-aac-en-mp4a.40.2_384000.m4s" -hls_segment_type fmp4 -hls_playlist_type vod -movflags frag_keyframe+frag_every_frame+write_colr+prefer_icc+skip_trailer+faststart -hls_flags independent_segments "/tmp/VODProcessing/output/my_file/a-aac-en-mp4a.40.2_384000/master.m3u8"
The movflags on the audio will get ignored partly as e.g. "write_colr" does not make much sense with an audio only track.

Your master.m3u8 which will later on reference the other master.m3u8 files generated by ffmpeg should look like this:

#EXT-X-MEDIA:TYPE=AUDIO,GROUP-ID="a-1",NAME="English (5.1)",CHANNELS=6,AUTOSELECT="YES",DEFAULT="NO",LANGUAGE="en",URI="a-aac-en-mp4a.40.2_384000/master.m3u8"


There are many other parameters you can set here. This is very basic. If you have HDR content for example you will also need to announce this in your master.m3u8 file, and also use codecs which support 10 Bit/HDR like HEVC or AV1 (SVT-AV1). Second you also have to think about the way of transportation here, HEVC and AV1 will only work with fmp4 (.m4s) segments, not with mpegts segments (.ts).

I can only recommend reading through the whole HLS documentation published by Apple: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/http_live_streaming/understanding_the_http_live_streaming_architecture It will give you a very good understanding about compatibility along different devices, codecs, and ways of delivering your content.

Without going too much into detail, all encoding commands I showed above will create independent segments, meaning your video gets split into many thousand files. It's questionable if this is the way you wanted to go. It's also possible to have single files for each of your output tracks. But then the delivery only works using byte-range requests which your webserver must also support and which again are not compatible with XHR authentication requests by common browsers. Just in case you want to protect your segment pulling outside of CORS validation. So there is a lot of stuff you have to experiment yourself with. Professional HLS authoring and delivery is really not an easy task.

Third, Build stuff yourself, espacially when building such a complex app like yours. Build ffmpeg from scratch, build nginx or even better use OpenResty and build it from scratch, build a performantd FUSE Filesystem for mounting your S3 buckets etc. It really pay off in the end. Going with half baked solutions you haven't written yourself will get you stuck at at a specific point, I'm pretty sure onto that.

Kind regards,


Am 2022-12-11 00:01, schrieb Robin van der Linden via ffmpeg-user:
I give you a detailed answer in the next 24 Hrs. I currently dont have
Access to my system and code 



Von: Mahesh Velankar <mvela...@gmail.com>
Gesendet: Samstag, 10. Dezember 2022 22:38
An: ffmpeg-user@ffmpeg.org
Betreff: Re: [FFmpeg-user] ffmpeg command required to convert MPEG TS
to HLS with transcoding to aac


This is not for a single video, I have to keep the application ready
that will be receiving different input TS and the app will need to
prepare the playlists,  segments and master playlist.

I am  aware that I need to write script/app for this.

Please tell me the command line to prepare individual playlists and
segments............and I will be able to write the master playlist

Thanks in advance for your help



Robin wrote:


ffmpeg can do this, at least some parts. It will create the segments
and a master.m3u8 file for each track by itself. Still you will need
to create master.m3u8 File wich references all the tracks master.m3u8
yourself. My Script is about 3500 lines long, so be prepared that you
have to code lot yourself.

Im currently on the go, but I will try to provide you some more
advice. Are you about to encode a single Video or do you need a full
implemented rapackaging process for many vidz?

Kind regards,



On Sat, Dec 10, 2022 at 1:53 PM Mahesh Velankar <mvela...@gmail.com> wrote:

I have a transport stream file with following details (given by ffprobe)

Input #0, mpegts, from 'f-13324-ccrtpa_before_tc_1669374838.ts':
   Duration: 00:04:23.44, start: 8879.809433, bitrate: 2373 kb/s
   Program 3
     Stream #0:0[0x31]: Video: h264 (Main) ([27][0][0][0] / 0x001B),
yuv420p(tv, bt709, progressive), 856x480 [SAR 320:321 DAR 16:9], Closed
Captions, 30 fps, 29.97 tbr, 90k tbn, 60 tbc
     Stream #0:1[0x34](eng): Audio: ac3 (AC-3 / 0x332D4341), 48000 Hz,
5.1(side), fltp, 320 kb/s
     Stream #0:2[0x35](spa): Audio: ac3 (AC-3 / 0x332D4341), 48000 Hz,
stereo, fltp, 192 kb/s (visual impaired)
     Stream #0:3[0x36]: Data: klv (KLVA / 0x41564C4B)

I want to convert this into HLS playlists and segments. The requirements
are as follows
There will be two playlists

playlist 1 will have a listing of TS segments. Each such segment will have
1. Video stream (Stream #0:0) from the above input (h264) and
2. Audio stream 1 (Stream #0:1) from the above input (ac3 5.1) .... but
converted to aac format

playlist 2 will have a listing of TS segments. Each such segment will have
1. Video stream (Stream #0:0) from the above input (h264) and
2. Audio stream 2 (Stream #0:2) from the above input (ac3 stereo) .... but
converted to aac format

In short the output segments will have one video and one audio stream.
Since there are two audio streams I need to convert it into two different
playlists ... each having video and one of the audio streams

ac3 to aac conversion is mandatory,  as it has to be played in the browser.

How can I achieve this with the ffmpeg command line? Please help or point
me to any such recipe if already available.


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Robin van der Linden
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