Hi Fiberfolks,

Here at the mill we use Sam's Club, powdered detergent in the 5 gal bucket.
Works great. It is high alkaline and that is what breaks down the grease.
It actually turns it into soap. Hot water over 140 degrees. On really
greasy fleeces we use Amway's, industrial degreaser in the second and third
washes if a third wash is required.
We use regualar home washers, spin cycle only. I do a final rinse in an old
Maytag wringer washer. You'd be surprised at how much dirt floats out of
the fiber after two washes in the spinner washers. In the spinner washers
the dirt is forced through to the outside of the washer and tends to lay
along the outside of the tub and in the outer layers of the fiber. The old
wringer allows the water to penetrate and float the dirt out. Putting it
through the wringer squeezes the water and dirt out and back into the tub.
Wringers do not felt the fiber. The commercial washing trains use wringers
between each of the wash cycles. Gail

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