Progressive News & Views (since 1982)

  Press Releases
Ameinu Condemns Green Party Statement
Ameinu condemns in the harshest terms the decision by the Green Party of 
the United States to pursue a policy of boycott and divestment from 

This recent announcement is merely the latest in a series of extremist, 
anti-Israel measures undertaken by this organization. The foreign policy 
section of the Greens' platform mentions only one country by name - 
Israel. It's unfathomable that of all of the issues facing the world 
today, the Greens have selected the Arab-Israeli conflict as their focus, 
instead of environmental issues that impact the entire planet.

"Unbalanced pronouncements such as this prove beyond any doubt that the US 
Greens are an anti-Semitic, anti-Israel organization," stated Kenneth Bob, 
Ameinu national president. "It is disgraceful," he added, "that a 
so-called progressive organization singles out Israel for condemnation, 
while completely ignoring positive Israeli actions such as the withdrawal 
from the Gaza Strip. By not even mentioning Palestinian terrorist attacks 
against civilians, the Greens show that they are blind to the complexities 
of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."

"The Green's single-minded obsession with Israel is both mystifying and 
disturbing," he continued. "Their positions in support of a one-state 
'solution' make it clear that their end goal is the extinction of Israel 
as a Jewish homeland. This unequivocally disqualifies them from any role 
in helping to find a just solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict."


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