Progressive News & Views (since 1982)
The Left's Mangled Truth        

At Sabra and Shatilla there was no order to go into the camp and kill 
Palestinians. There was no order for the IDF to do anything except stand 
their ground and not allow PLO into the camp and Ruth Lapidot, a professor 
of international law at Hebrew University, per 1949 Fourth Geneva 
Convention, which deals with the protection of people in times of war 
says... the penal sanctions apply only to a person who either has 
committed himself or has ordered to be committed some of these terrible 

  There is always enough sides of an issue argued and lied about in Israel 
to be able to pick one out as one's own. The truth, too often however, is 
the great casualty in a democracy as each position competes to become the 
new but not necessarily the right position. With the retelling, it becomes 
a mangled truth. A Democracy of ideas (like voting) is just a means to an 
end. It is certainly a preferred method to violence in the streets, but 
the end does not always justify the means nor is the result always the 
right or correct one.

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