Progressive News & Views (since 1982)
From: harry bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

You know, replying to a dumbass statement like that is
completly ludicrous, How is the average underpaid
overworked American suppose to set aside ant money for
lateron in there years with the cost of everthing
going up. Take off your rosey glasses and smell the
coffee. Ive been in the work force for over nearly 45
yrs, and all the planing I did went down the drain
with trickle down economics, and has never recovered.
I see panhandlers making more than I do, I see people
on welfare doing better than I am and Im busting my
ass to stay afloat and my neighbor keeps pushing out
babies and I have never seen a man at her place. So
you go figure, is it emaculate conception or what.

> From: "Gray Lawson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   (comments of Gray Lawson)
> And what about your savings? You know, from the
> money you made all your
> adult working lives? Didn't you save, invest or
> otherwise put money back
> for these times? Or did you just spend it with
> little regard to the
> future?

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