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Norman Finkelstein's world

    Jerusalem Post; 11/1/2005; ISI LEIBLER

    Jerusalem Post
    Headline: Norman Finkelstein's world
    Byline: ISI LEIBLER

    Tuesday, November 1, 2005 -- Historically, self-hating Jews
    besmirching their kinsmen have ranged from apostates in the Middle
    Ages to communists in Stalinist Russia. Today their successors have
    assumed pivotal roles in the global campaign to delegitimize Israel.
    The most recent chapter in the ongoing offensive is Norman

    Finkelstein's book Beyond Chutzpa, which endeavors to depict Israel as
    one of the most evil countries in the world. The author also defames
    Alan Dershowitz, author of the widely acclaimed The Case for Israel.
    Dershowitz is particularly hated by the anti-Israeli pack because of
    his impeccable credentials as a champion of human rights.
    Finkelstein accuses Dershowitz of plagiarizing material for his book
    from Joan Peters's From Time Immemorial, published over 20 years ago.
    The accusation is specious, because Dershowitz never used a single
    phrase or idea from Peters without proper citation. All Dershowitz did
    was to collate the evidence (including material used by Peters) and
    employ his professional forte to present a first-rate case for Israel.
    Indeed, after reviewing the charge of plagiarism, the former
    presidents of Harvard and Dartmouth both concluded that it was

    Finkelstein also accused Dershowitz of trying to suppress his views on
    the grounds that he expressed surprise that a purportedly reputable
    publisher like University of California Press would associate itself
    with so unscholarly a work.

    But Dershowitz was entirely justified in describing Beyond Chutzpa as
    a vile, unscholarly anti-Semitic tract. It employs similar techniques
    that Holocaust revisionists do in seizing upon tiny grains of truth to
    build a framework of lies, employing myriads of distorted or
    misleading footnotes to provide a veneer of pseudo scholarship.

    Peter Novick, whose work criticizing aspects of Holocaust memorial
    activity was utilized by Finkelstein, described Finkelstein's
    "scholarship" as "a twenty-first century updating of the Protocols of
    the Elders of Zion, a piece of trash."

    NEVERTHELESS Beyond Chutzpa is likely to confuse those unaware of the
    extent to which human rights agenda of NGOs as been hijacked and
    transformed into a vehicle for demonizing Israel.

    Finkelstein quotes extensively from organizations such as Human Rights
    Watch, B'Tselem, Physicians for Human Rights, Amnesty, and the Public
    Committee against Torture which have long track records of bias and
    employing double standards in relation to Israel.
    Finkelstein had already assumed the role of a global cult figure among
    anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli groups prior to the publication of
    Beyond Chutzpa.

    In an earlier book, Finkelstein described the "holocaust industry" as
    "an extortion racket", a vehicle "to crush any dissent, any criticism
    of the State of Israel." Jewish leaders were referred to as
    "gangsters" and "crooks." Eli Wiesel was depicted as "the resident
    clown for the Holocaust circus." He challenged the authenticity of
    survivors, "If everyone who claimed to be a survivor is one, my mother
    used to say 'Who did Hitler kill then?'"

    In subsequent interviews, Finkelstein attacked Leon Uris, author of
    Exodus alleging that "the chief character was named Ari Ben Canaan
    because Ari is the diminutive for Aryan." He admired Hizbullah - "The
    honorable thing now is to show solidarity with Hizbullah as the US and
    Israel target it for liquidation."

    Israeli demolitions of terrorist homes are equivalent to the "Nazi
    destruction of the village of Lidice" (in Czechoslovakia). Being
    compared to the Gestapo would "flatter" Israel; its human rights
    record "is interchangeable with that of Saddam Hussein's Iraq."
    But his most bizarre comments related to Osama bin- Laden:

    "Regrettably it is payback time for the Americans... We deserve our
    problems because some things Bin Laden says are true... Bin Laden said
    'until we [Moslems] live in security, you are not going to have any
    security' ... and there is certain rightness in that... Why should we
    go on merrily with our lives when so much of the world is suffering -
    with us as the direct and indirect perpetrators?"

    IN Beyond Chutzpa Finkelstein writes: "From a combination of economic
    and political power [Jewish American elites] have sprung a mindset of
    Jewish superiority... From this lethal brew of formidable power,
    charismatic arrogance, feigned or marginal victimhood, and Holocaust
    immunity to criticism, has sprung a terrifying recklessness and
    ruthlessness on the part of American Jewish elites. Alongside Israel,
    they are the main fomenters of anti-Semitism in the world today.
    Coddling them is not the answer. They must be stopped."

    He also claims that "like the Holocaust" anti-Semitism is an
    ideological weapon to deflect justified criticism of Israel and
    concomitantly, powerful interests. In its current usage,
    "anti-Semitism" alongside the "war against terrorism" serve to cloak a
    "massive assault on international law and human rights."

    Jewish leaders "resemble stereotypes straight out of Der Sturmer" and
    are also "de facto agents of a foreign government" and "in service to
    their Holy State."

    IN A sane political world one might have assumed that such trash would
    be relegated to the fringe. Not in todays frenzied anti-Israeli
    climate where Finkelstein's ravings are boosted, among others, by a
    long parade of academics of Jewish origin praising his lies and
    describing his distortions as scholarship. The blurb on the dust
    jacket of this appalling book includes commendations from Daniel
    Boyarin of the University of California, Avi Shlaim of Oxford, and of
    course, Noam Chomsky from MIT.

    But the most outrageous paeans of praise come from Israeli academics
    whose universities are sponsored by the state they demonize and
    supported by contributions from Diaspora Zionists.

    Thus Hebrew University professor of sociology, Baruch Kimmerling,
    describes the book as "the most comprehensive systematic and well
    documented work of its kind... about the daily practices of the
    occupation and colonization of the Palestinian territories by Israel."
    In a review of Finkelstein's book in the National Catholic Reporter,
    Neve Gordon of Ben-Gurion University, who also promotes international
    war crime tribunals against Israeli military officers, described
    Beyond Chutzpa as "an attempt to expose how elements in academia have
    played a role in concealing Israel's abuse... the heated response to
    his book is just another example of how the literature discussing the
    new anti-Semitism delegitimizes those who expose Israel's outrageous
    violations of international law. The major irony in relation to this
    saga is that Dr. Finkelstein's book, not Dershowitz's, constitute the
    real case for Israel, that is, for a moral Israel."

    THE INCREDIBLE damage to Israel's reputation inflicted by renegade
    Jews has been greatly underestimated. The distortions have already
    persuaded the average European that Israel represents a greater threat
    to world peace than Iran or North Korea. We cannot afford this to be
    extended to the United States.

    Israel must realize that the battle of ideas is crucial to our future.
    There are hundreds of talented Israelis and friends of Israel
    throughout the world who possess the scholarship and communication
    skills to enable them to make a major contribution. The government
    should invite the best of them to join in a campaign to reverse the
    tide. When the poisonous ravings of people like Finkelstein gain
    credence in the mainstream media, it is surely time to ring the alarm

    Copyright 2005 Jerusalem Post. All Rights Reserved


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