Progressive News & Views (since 1982)

     Oh, drat!  Do we HAVE to be better than the
Repugs?  Can't we give them even a LITTLE  taste of
their own medicine?  It's  no fun being a principled
leftist!  If they change the rules, can't we apply
them to the right before we change them back?  No?
     Whatever happened to an eye for an eye and a wire
for a wire?
A little non-life-threatening torture for a little
non-life-threatening torture?   
     Aw shucks!  We don't EVER  get to have any fun,
and THEY always do!

      Poll Results


Which of the following should happen as a result of
the Abramoff/Republican corruption scandal?

secret, warrantless wiretaps on all Republicans 12% 
33 votes  

arbitrary, mass roundups of Republicans 11%  32 votes 


detention in secret camps around the world where US
spooks apparently can do whatever 3%  9 votes  

confinement to small rooms with endless broadcasts of
Pat Robertson's ravings 12%  33 votes  

investigations, indictments, and trials by jury -- the
rule of law separates us from the evildoers 62%  173

No. of votes: 280  

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