Progressive News & Views (since 1982)

Written on the fly (on it's wings).

A theoretical foundation of democracy is the need for an informed 
citizenry. But what of a misinformed citizenry?

I think we can agree that a majority of Americans may not be terribly 
informed and they take their cues from a small in number controlled press 
of right-wing operatives --- who push the right wing agenda for all kinds 
of reasons, some from conviction and some because they have no respect for 
the masses. Those who buy into the right wing propaganda machine - well 
oiled with big industry money keeps on chucking out those 
support-the-Republican-regime talking points and right-wing agenda driven 
counter-factural ideas and views.

There is often discussion of the uninformed but misinformation is an 
erroneous understanding which in fact differs dramatically from simple 
lack of understanding. It is wrong information which these people hold 
with confidence.

The difference is the UNINFORMED will most likely opt out of politics. 
they really don't care. They're simply uninformed and like the song, "Not 
to Worry", they don't care. What happens does not yet affect them, they 

They also rely on party leaders. If they vote it is likely to be 
Republican because they believe the rubbish that Republicans protect them 
more and they don't steal their money or do it less. About that they are 

Most of the misinformed listen to Rush and those like him and many are 
very involved - like Christian proselytizers selling their right-wing 
faith in the "invisible hand" of the capitalist machine. They are on the 
InterNUT and they write letters, call their congress, stump for 
candidates, contribute money, etc..

The media, a conspiracy to sell a brand of ideas is not a FREE 
marketplace. It is a propaganda marketplace which is managed for 
predetermined results.

The collective mind chooses the ideas they think are being marketed and 
sold but there is often only one set of views posited in today's media. 
They are Orwellian ideas and this is really 1984 because there is only the 
"preferred" view(s) and the masses are misinformed about them. Inferences 
are made from incomplete or false assertions - because they saw it on TV, 
therefore it must be right.

Political talk radio leads to even greater levels of misinformation - And 
neither the right nor left has a monopoly on false assertions. Audiences 
lack the necessary cognition to separate out truth from misinformation. 
The problem lies partially in an inability to think rationally applying 
all kinds of information and extracting a morsel of truth from it - which 
is not the whole truth. Folks definitely need to READ MORE.

We need to ask ourselves why even the same source of information can 
elicit different interpretations and conclusions from different people?

The problem is not just media and repetitive political talk radio. It goes 
much deeper than that. It goes to the ability of humans to evolve 
intellectually and think on a different, higher, more reasoned level. The 
problem goes to education and evolution and perhaps what we are 

Sometimes I wish (really) that we had no cars, no use for polyester in our 
cloths (which is a byproduct of petrolium), no roads to separate us, no 
television to confuse us - and just little communities where we could hunt 
and gather and be pastoral and take care of ourselves and the environment 
- and while we are at it, get rid of our computers and throw away our 
radios and just sit on our porches with our neighbors.



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Hank Roth's Place - http://pnews.org/ 
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