Progressive News & Views (since 1982)
Let's understand that the leading neocon organ....the Project for a New 
American Century is based on the philosophy of Leo Strauss.  PNAC was 
founded by William Kristol  - and its  membership - while not all 
Jewish, by any means.... boasts the architects of the Bush Doctrine and 
the wars we are fighting now.. and were most probably the initiators of 
the 9/11 attacks.
These signatories to the PNAC Mission Statement give people all the 
ammunition they need to view the neocon movement as one dominated by 
Jews.  Include Richard Perle, Robert Kagan, Douglas Feith and a whole 
lot of others  in this bunch of bastards....

*_Elliott Abrams_*_ _   * Gary Bauer *    *William J. Bennett *    *Jeb Bush

**Dick Cheney **   _ _*_*Eliot A. Cohen *_*    **_Midge Decter_ **   _ 
_**_Paula Dobriansky_ **    **Steve Forbes

*_*Aaron Friedberg*_*    ** Francis Fukuyama**    ** Frank Gaffney**    
** Fred C. Ikle

_ Donald Kagan_**    ** Zalmay Khalilzad**    **_ I. Lewis Libby_ **    
**_Norman Podhoretz_

Dan Quayle**    ** Peter W. Rodman **    *_*Stephen P. Rosen *_*    
**Henry S. Rowen

Donald Rumsfeld**    ** Vin Weber**   _ _*_* George Weigel*_*_ _   *_* 
Paul Wolfowitz*_

Go figure......
Hank Roth wrote:

>Progressive News & Views (since 1982)
>A very important article. I realize many of you already received this on 
>the dada list but I'm sending it here also. Don't miss it.
>Neocon Conspiracies
>IF THERE IS an element of anti-Semitism at work in some of the attacks on 
>the neoconservatives--and there manifestly is--to call it such is not, 
>alas, enough. Even outright canards need to be rebutted, tedious and 
>demeaning though the exercise may be. So let us ask the question: is it 
>true that neoconservatives are mostly Jews, and are they indeed working to 
>shape U.S. policy out of devotion to the interests of the "Likud party" or 
>of Israel?
>Many neoconservatives are in fact Jews. Why this should be so is not 
>self-evident, although part of the answer is surely that Jews, whenever 
>and wherever they have been free to indulge it, exhibit a powerful 
>attraction to politics and particularly to the play of political ideas--an 
>attraction that is evident all across the political spectrum but 
>especially on the Left. Indeed, the disproportionate presence of Jews in 
>early Communist movements in eastern and central Europe became grist for 
>the Nazis and other far-Right movements that portrayed Bolshevism as a 
>Jewish cause whose real purpose was (yes) to serve Jewish interests. In 
>reality, Trotsky and Zinoviev and the other Jewish Communists were no more 
>concerned about the interests of the Jewish people than were Lenin and 
>Stalin which is to say, not at all.
>As it happens, the Jewish affinity with the Left may be one reason why 
>neoconservatism boasts so many Jewish adherents: it is a movement whose 
>own roots lie in the Left. But the same affinity is to be seen at work in 
>many of the insinuations against Jewish neocons by leftists who are 
>themselves Jews or who profess some Jewish connection. Michael Lind, for 
>one, has gone out of his way to assert his own Jewish "descent," and 
>Tikkun is in some self-professed sense a Jewish magazine. Even the BBC's 
>assault on the neocons featured a Jewish critic in the starring role. So 
>passionate are these Jews in their opposition to neoconservative ideas 
>that they have not hesitated to pander to anti-Semitism in the effort to 
>discredit them. What about their ulterior motives, one wonders?
>article is located here:    http://pnews.org/ArT/FaC/NEOcons.shtml
>      -----
>     / o o \
>Hank Roth's Place - http://pnews.org/ 
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