Progressive News & Views (since 1982)

It is perhaps ironic that there should be rioting against the Dutch (where 
antisemitism is a problem) over the cartoon, which allegedly mocked 
Muhammad. I saw it. I presume most here did also - and to someone from the 
WEST it does not seem that bad. But to a Muslim anything that is critical 
of Islam is an assault on them or merely an excuse for mayham. There are 
very few moderates in Islam. If there was, they would likely be atheists 
or homosexuals, both of which are an affront to Islam and both of which 
would be subject to the death penalty by order of the Mulahs.

This is from an article I will be posting in the next couple of days.

It was not written by me. It is authoritative and provides substantial
citations which those of you who care to can check out.


* Verbal and violent anti-Semitism in the Netherlands is probably
greater today than it has been during any other time in the last two
centuries except the Nazi occupation.

* Excessive Dutch tolerance has become an incentive for crime.
Developments in anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism are a good indicator of
what is happening in Dutch society at large.

* Due to the relatively high crime rate among the Dutch Moroccan community 
and international Arab anti-Semitic hate propaganda, Jews are above 
average targets for their racists' behavior. Easily recognizable Jews 
often try to hide their identity in public.

* There are other reasons why the international image of the Dutch 
attitude toward the Jews should be corrected. The Dutch government has 
still not publicly acknowledged the major assistance of the Dutch 
bureaucracy in the preparatory stages of the murder of Dutch Jews by the 
Germans during the Holocaust. It also continues to misrepresent the 
post-war discrimination against the Jews in the Netherlands.

  (end quote)


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